Parenting,  tLG

Reason #2 Not to Leave Children Alone in the Bathtub

Tonight was similar to any other. Around 7 o’clock I rounded up the little girl and headed for the upstairs bathroom. I ran her a tub of water, checked the temperature, helped her get undressed, and plopped her in the bath. Typically, we allow a few minutes of bathtub playtime so I walked over to my home office. It’s right across the hall so I can hear her but I can’t fully see her.

Lately, she has been all about doing things for herself and she’s getting pretty good at it. This self-sufficiency is a much welcome change. So, I wasn’t surprised at all to hear her call out that she was going to wash herself tonight. I replied with “Okay. Sounds good to me!” I assumed she was using the little bath puff to rub her arms and legs like we had been practicing.
A few minutes later she says, “Mom, I’m done. I used all the body wash. Come see!” She was so proud.
FYI: The bottle in question was a BRAND NEW bottle of body wash.
Yep. I learned my lesson on that one. 😉

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