Shopping,  Today

Today: My Goodwill Trip

I keep having the best luck at Goodwill. I seriously may never shop retail again. The prices are just too good. I can easily get items for 1/4 of the retail price (or less). Today I had coats and boots on the brain. Here’s what I found.
First up is this cute green jacket. I can’t wait to put this on with a nice pair of jeans.
Next, is this super cute pink coat from Old Navy. I love longer coats.
Then, we have this denim jacket by Will Smith. This will be perfect over shirts or dresses that might be a bit too revealing up top.
My favorite find of the day are these adorable ESPRIT rain boots. Don’t you just love them? I even had another shopper notice them in my cart and she had a fit over them!
My grand total for today was a whopping $24.26! I already feel chic on the cheap and I haven’t even worn them yet.
Side Note: I have been eyeing this pair of rain boots online, which are priced at $24.99. Look how much I got for the same price?! hehe. Besides, I think I like my new boots better!
I’m not a fan of yucky weather, like today, but being able to wear these fun boots might make the cold rain a wee bit more bearable. So, I’m gonna peel off the price tag, slip them, on and go pick up The Little Girl. She’s gonna flip over my new shoes!

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