Entertainment,  Parenting

Goodnight Moon (Nashville Children’s Theatre)

I took The Little Girl to the Nashville Children’s Theatre for the first time and it was a hit! Tonight’s performance was Goodnight Moon. I’ll admit that I was a little concerned about how they would take this short book and turn it into a full-out stage performance that would keep little ones entertained. Well, they did a fantastic job!

Basically, the beginning and the end of the book are the same but there is a whole lot of ad lib in between and it was rather funny and very entertaining. This version of Goodnight Moon is similar to a typical night at my house where I put my child in bed and then spend the next hour deflecting excuses. An hour later, all is right with the world but not without some drama mixed in the middle.
The Little Girl sat still in her seat the entire time. Her eyes were glued to the stage and she clapped proudly after every song. I was doing my own version of proud clapping but it was more for her than the actors. I kept thinking to myself that 4 is a beautiful age. She’s old enough to understand the performance and mature enough to handle the setting. I’ve always wondered what age would be appropriate for certain activities like the theatre or movies or museums or performances or other artsy-type stuff and I think we’ve finally hit our stride. Now, we’ve certainly tried all of these types of things before but it was stressful for me. I was always busy redirecting her attention or shoving snacks down her throat to keep her engaged. Not tonight. It was a pleasure to be there with her and we both enjoyed the evening.
I’m also thankful for establishments like the Nashville Children’s Theatre who don’t freak out over fussy, squirmy children or snacks & sippy cups. They know they are providing a service for kids and are fully aware of what they’ve signed up for. Tonight was the opening performance for Goodnight Moon and the show runs through April 3rd so you have plenty of time to get tickets and see it for yourself.
Overall, it was a great date and an outing that I hope to make a regular occurrence in the future.

One Comment

  • Robert and Hannah

    awwww fun!!!! I had the same thought as you, "now how on EARTH are they going to turn that little book into an entire play??!" haha… I kinda want to see it now too! That book is a daily occurrence here. but we attempted the movies w/ the lil 'man in december and decided he is definitely definitely definitely not ready yet. hehe. 😉

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