Decorating,  Home,  Ideas

Recycle: Flat Sheet to Bed Skirt

I still haven’t decided what vision I have for our guest room. Right now it is functioning as my office, and a play area for The Little Girl when I’m working, but it also has a bed in it. There is random furniture like an armoire and two nightstands but these are basically rejects from other rooms in the house. It functions okay but the bed is an eyesore. Because of where my desk is placed, the bed had no other choice but to get shoved in the corner. It currently looks like this.
I’m cringing. It’s horrible. But, hey, when you need a bed it comes in handy. I’m not ready to buy a bed set for it because I’m still waiting on my “vision.” Since I don’t have a comforter set, I’ve tossed this double wedding ring quilt on top. However, it was made for a full size bed and ours is a queen. Hence the visible sheets. Ugh! Then there are the visible items under the bed. Hideous! Since my hall closet is like a 2nd pantry, under the bed has become an alternate storage area.
Today I decided to do something about it but I wasn’t about to spend any money. I have an old twin size flat sheet that had gotten a hole it in it, right smack in the middle. I got to thinking that I could use the material to make a bed skirt. Who cares about the middle. I just need two sides. I love it when I can use something old and turn it into something I need. I quickly ironed the two edges of the sheet and then placed it under the mattress. I really needed some starch but I’ll have to deal with that later. No, I did not iron the middle. Who cares? 🙂

Then, I wrapped an old, white, hospital blanket around the mattress over the sheets and laid it over the “new” bed skirt. Finally, I topped it with the quilt.

While it’s far from the most beautiful guest bed I have ever seen, it certainly looks a whole lot better than it did before. And this is probably how it will stay until I make up my mind as to what I really want this room to be like.

Ahhhh…. that’s better! 🙂


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