Art,  Parenting,  Today

Today: Preschool Crafts on Snow Day

Today is snow day number one million. Seriously, I have honest to goodness lost track at this point. My poor girl is going to be stuck in school until 4th of July (kidding).
Anyway, school was closed today. Again. This is week 3 of me working like crazy, which means that I have been desperately missing sweet time with my girl. I decided to forgo my MOPS meeting (with childcare) to ensure that we got to spend quality time together today with a little bit of work thrown in when she wasn’t paying attention (read: Watching Toy Story 3).
Since I’m not a fan of the snow, and because the low this morning was 8 (Brrrr!) I had to come up with some ideas to keep us busy inside. My girl loves crafts so this is what we did today.
First up was these Love Birds made from foam hearts. This idea came from Moments of Mommyhood.
Next, I made up this cutting activity. I drew 2 circles, 1 square and 1 rectangle. She cut them out, then arranged them and glued them down making the shape of a truck.
This is a counting game that I created by cutting out numbers and then asked her to put the correct number of “beads” under each. These are just the little decorative rocks that you can get at Hobby Lobby or any craft store. We counted the numbers in increasing and decreasing order.
Next up was painting. I sketched a quick rainbow and filled her palette with 6 different colors. She did really well at remembering to wash out her brush between colors. 🙂
Then, there is the infamous Target box that has been around all week and was still going strong today. She has all of her markers inside and has been coloring away like crazy. This one box has provided HOURS of fun!
The last project of the day was this Valentine card that we made by ripping pieces of paper and then gluing them into a pre-traced heart shape. She said this was her favorite! Good thing I saved it for last. 😉
Overall, it’s been a pretty good day. I was so thankful to be able to restore part of our bond that has fell through the cracks with my work schedule. Hopefully I only have another week or so before the project gets completed and things can get back to normal around here. Whatever normal is anyway… 🙂

One Comment

  • Tracey

    What great activities you came up with! I especially like the cutting activity – and the heart, of course!

    You did a super job incorporating learning and play, all the while spending time together. Thanks for encouraging me to do the same!

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