Parenting,  Photography

Worst School Photo Ever?

Pretty hideous if you ask me. I can’t decide whether I should ask for my money back or keep it for some sort of future blackmail sentimental value.

Take note of the pink socks and cheesy pink ballerina necklace that she insisted on wearing. More on her new style preferences in another blog post soon. Let me also point out that she had four poses to choose from and this is the one she picked. I just love how you can see the gap where the screen hits the floor in the back.
However, she thought she looked pretty and that’s all that matters if you ask me. That strained face – well, that’s her “super happy face.”

I love my girl no matter what. Even if she wins the “worst school photo” award. 🙂


  • Carrie

    Lifetouch bugs the crud out of me. They sent home a spring form with 12…that's TWELVE different poses/backgrounds to choose from. I picked the one for each kid and sent it in. Got the photos right before spring break and neither kid had the background or pose chosen. In Sami's she's in this awkward side position and not even looking a the camera.

  • HatchWife

    I agree.. they did not use the pose i picked but Jackson's turned out ok… now the class picture that is a bunch of crazy right there. Buy one sheet to keep..

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