
My 2014 Resolutions

I’m a resolution maker. Always have been. Always will be. I like to think it makes me a better person. Well, it helps me try to be a better person.

However, this year I only have 2 resolutions.

1) Homeschool

  • Yes, it looks like we are going for it. The when is still a bit in question. 

2) Keep at least a half a tank of gas in my car. 

  • I’m NOTORIOUS for almost running out of gas. I can run it down to 0 miles and never even sweat it. It happens a little more often than I would prefer to admit. 
  • Hubby has been on me about this bad little habit for a long time but I HATE pumping gas. I feel like it’s a big waste of time. Then I found a fellow friend who feels the exact same way as me and has the exact same bad habit, so I felt validated. 
  • I know that it’s very possible to keep gas in the car because I do it when I’m on call for a doula client. But, as soon as that client delivers I go right back to my bad habit until I’m on call again. 
  • I can see some benefit to keeping gas in the car because there have been times where I was very close to E and not very close to a gas station. 
  • Resolutions are all about breaking bad habits or creating new habits so I’m going to do both. Not only am I going to stop running the car down to 0, I’m going to start filling up at half a tank. I’ve heard that’s better for the car anyway. 
  • My other gas-guzzling friend has also decided to make this resolution as well so hopefully we can help support each other. 
  • My hope is that I will get this under control rather quickly because I will have an opportunity to practice twice a week. Yipee!
  • Boy, this is gonna be tough. I already know it! Maybe even more difficult than resolution #1. Old habits die hard, ya know. 
Happy New Year, everyone! What were your resolutions?

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