
a look back at my 2014 resolutions

Before we move into 2015, it’s only fitting to take a look back and see how I did on my 2014 resolutions.

1. Homeschool. Nailed it! We completed the last semester of 1st grade and are sailing through 2nd grade. I can’t even tell you how much better homeschooling fits our lifestyle. I seriously don’t miss public school one bit. In the last year I have been approached by probably 10 other families who are at the same crossroads I was at this time last year. I love giving the homeschool pep talk because I know how miserable they are and I know how much better things are about to get. It’s not for everyone but if you are even considering it, then you are already sold on the benefits of it. The logistics just naturally work themselves out. Ultimately, you will wish you had done it sooner. And if you need the official pep talk, give me a call.

2. Keep a half tank of gas in my car. Check! At first this was REALLY difficult. It seemed that every time I got to a half a tank it was raining or snowing or sleeting or just plain ole #freakingwinter! But I was determined to be disciplined and I’m happy to report that this is a habit I started and kept the whole year. Granted, the fact that I don’t have to drive back and forth to school twice a day (see above) has totally helped. I still only have to put gas in my car about once a week. That’s right, math whizzes. I only use 2 gallons of gas per MONTH! See? #1 is looking better already.

Now, I don’t always do well on my new year’s resolutions. In fact, some years I have failed miserably (2010, 2011, 2012) hence the reason I kept 2014 short and manageable.

I hope you achieved everything you hoped to over the last year. I’d love to hear how you did.

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