
My 2015 Resolutions

Here we are again at the start of a new year. I do love a fresh start. I did really well on my 2014 resolutions. This year, I have some new goals to tackle. 
1. Memorize Scripture. It’s my heart’s desire to parent in a grace-filled and Biblical way. In parenting, you don’t always have time to reflect and pray about how to handle any given situation. Most days you need to respond quickly. Therefore, I need to have God’s word readily available. I recently purchased Parenting With Scripture, which is a topical guide with verses and resources for a variety of situations. My goal is to memorize some key verses this year along with some longer passages. I’ll be using the Bible Memory: Scripture Typer app to help me along the way. 
2. New Life Motto. This is something that has been on my heart for about 2 years but it’s taken me this long to really wrap my head around it. My previous motto was “I don’t do drama.” I still shy away from such nonsense but my new motto is “Make decisions in love, not fear.” I vividly remember two situations where I used this tactic in 2014. It had such a profound effect on me that I’m making it my new life motto. It really deserves a post all on it’s own but I’m still having trouble getting it into words because it encompasses SO much. For now, I’m just going to try to live this out every day. 


3. The 52 Week Money Challenge. You’ve seen this on Facebook, I’m sure. The first week you put $1 in a jar. The next week you put in $2. You proceed like this all the way up to the last week of the year and you have saved almost $1400. I read a suggestion to do it in reverse. Start with the highest amount ($52) on the first week and go down. That way you are saving the most when you are really eager to get started and only saving a few dollars during Christmas. This makes MUCH more sense. This is how I plan to approach it. My main goal, however, is basically to just save something each week and to get all of the boxes checked off at the end of the year, even if I do them all out of order. I converted to the envelope system about 3 months ago and I think this goal will pair nicely with my weekly spending system. Here’s the Free Printable that I’m using from (click link for PDF).
That’s it! Those are my top 3 goals for 2015. I have some other things that I’m working on but these are my priorities. 
What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

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