Family Update

October 2017 Update

We started October with a quick fall family getaway trip. We visited 3 states in 3 days. We popped up to the Creation Museum, then down to the Ark Encounter. Both are highly recommended but if you are short on time or want to spare the expense of the combo ticket, I would seriously recommend just spending a full day at the Ark. It. Was. Fascinating. Seriously, it was one of the most thought-provoking experiences of my life.

We visited Cincinnati, Louisville, and Lexington over the weekend and I have to say that Cincinnati was my favorite. It reminded me so much of Nashville. We had a gorgeous view of the city for dinner and then spent the evening at their riverfront park. We lucked out that there weren’t any baseball games that weekend so it was pretty chill and easy to navigate our way around. On our last day, we headed over to Holiday World. The forecast was 100% rain but we had purchased our tickets in advance so we decided just to make the most of it. We were soaked through by the time we left but we managed to ride every single roller coaster multiple times. Our kiddo is pretty apprehensive about new things and this trip was no different. But, it’s safe to say we have now turned her into a roller coaster junkie like her mom and dad. She begged to ride them again and again despite swearing that she wasn’t going to ride them at all when we arrived. #NeverSayNever It was such a sweet little weekend with just the 3 of us and I’m thankful we had the opportunity to experience all of that together.

Have I mentioned how much I love our pup? Y’all I still can’t get over how much I’m smitten with this sweet girl. She’s such a mild-mannered pup. At her October vet visit she weighted 22 pounds (up 7 pounds from last month). She has mastered “sit,” “down,” “friend,” and is getting better about coming when we call her. It’s rare that we have to call her back. She’s pretty consistent about hanging at the back door and keeping an eye on things. She’s just figured out this week that she can bark and has since been telling us when someone arrives or there’s a critter spying on us from the tree line. I was a little worried her sweet temperament was going to fail us in the alert department but I dare say she’s gonna make a good guard dog after all. Her brother, Asher, stayed with us for a week and those 2 had a blast. As did Skylar!

Last week we had our concrete poured for our garage so things were pretty exciting around here. I sweet talked our contractor into leaving the key for the bobcat and we were able to get some more gravel moved on the driveway and mulch moved over the garden. Mike taught Skylar how to run the thing and she actually did most of the lifting and moving while we did the spreading. I’m not kidding, we turned her loose and she ran that thing like a boss! I was so thankful to able to get my garden squared away. I may still put some leaf mulch on top but it’s ready to sit and compost for the winter. I didn’t get to garden this year but I’m so excited for my “Back to Eden” garden next year.

Otherwise, it’s just been work and school as usual. Our co-op is going well this semester and we are still unschooling the rest of the week. I love seeing how creative and imaginative Skylar is when left to her own devices. We’ve had to make several library runs because there is a new subject she wants to research and learn more about. Every day is filled with learning!

Work has been pretty busy for me and I’ve already started a waiting list for January (contact me ASAP if you want to get your 2018 off to a good start). I wish I could clone myself because I absolutely love all of the projects I get to work on. I do have an amazing assistant helping me so that’s allowed me to take on some extra projects. I’m also on the lookout for an intern to start now or next semester. If you know someone who is interested in graphic design and/or book design, I’d love to talk to them.

For Halloween this year, we went to the Trunk or Treat at The Glade church where we’ve been attending. They did a fantastic job and we loved all of the cool trunks and costumes we saw. For Halloween night, we went with our nephews to Main Street in Watertown. All of the shop owners at the square come out and give candy. Then we visited the residential area downtown and ended up at a little church with games, hot dogs, and chili. It really was the neatest experience. So many of the houses were decorated and it had such a small town feel. We enjoyed it very much! Our girl dressed as Batman this year!

That’s about it for October. Excited to see what November holds!

More October pictures here.

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