July 2020 Update
Per our tradition, we spent the 4th of July in Birmingham with my family. It was nice to see everyone even if it was for just a quick down-and-back visit.
Skylar is back on the ice and skating again. She’s fully outfitted with gear and participating in classes at two different facilities. The rink she likes best is almost an hour away and we are currently making the drive twice a week, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen her THIS excited about something. Between hockey and summer camp, I feel like I have a different kid these days. Don’t get me wrong, she still speaks fluent sarcasm but she seems less angsty, more talkative, more lovey, and more willing to engage in family life. I’ll take it!
The original summer camp we had signed up for was canceled due to COVID. However, her troop was eager to camp and we have some awesome leaders who pulled together and provided a 5-night camp experience complete with plenty of activities and options to keep them busy during the day. They also had to cook and clean up all of their meals for the week. Despite the added challenges, Skylar said this year was even better than last summer and she came home with several merit badges. The final evening, parents were invited for a theatre performance that the girls prepared. They did a GREAT job and I was so proud of their creativity and hard work! There’s nothing quite like the summer camp experience and the growth that happens during those few days. I’ll send my kid every time! Also, because she comes home and sleeps for a solid day. Ain’t no tired like BSA summer camp tired.
While Skylar was at camp, I had some time to think and reevaluate. Around the same time, I found the book Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons. It has made an incredible difference in helping me to sort out how I can function at my best. I’ve already started to incorporate some of the principles and feel lighter and happier already. While 2020 has not gone at all according to plan, I’m excited to find a new rhythm that will carry me through the rest of the year.
I was also able to help a first-time mama through her labor and delivery at Baby + Co. I know y’all are tired of hearing me say this but it never gets old watching a woman bring her baby into the world on her own terms. It’s an absolute honor and joy to be invited into that space.
Mike has also been busy with a couple of tree jobs this past month. We are so thankful that this venture has gotten off to a good start. Who knew that so many people needed tree work done? We appreciate your willingness to recommend BFF Tree Services. It’s been exciting to watch it take off and for Mike to have a job that he enjoys. Plus, he loves working with his buddy Mark. They do make a great team!
Our new carport is coming along and should be finished up in the next couple of days. This is much better than what we had before and will allow us to eventually have a screened-in porch for our retirement years.
We are getting ready to start back to school. I usually don’t like to start until after Labor Day but Skylar is a bit bored since we haven’t really done anything formal since the end of February. I cannot even express how thankful I am that we already have the school piece figured out. Our co-op is having some meetups this fall but no classes. Hopefully those will resume in January. Otherwise, it’s unschooling as usual for us! Stay tuned…

June 2020 Update
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