Friends,  Ideas

If You Really Wanna Know

Am I really doing this? Am I really starting another blog? It appears so.

Mainly, I have been meaning to journal more and this gives me an excuse to do it. I journaled a lot during college and I always enjoy going back and reading through those books. I regret not journaling more during my newlywed stage, pregnancy, and the first few years of being a mom. I would sit down and write a monthly update to our family and friends but I never really wrote about the day-to-day stuff.
Sometimes its really tough being a Believer, and a wife, and a mom, and a daughter, and a friend. Sometimes I just have to freshen things up or change things around. Sometimes I just need things to help me prioritize or streamline the daily tasks. Sometimes I just need fun! Sometimes I just need to know that the things I am feeling are normal – maybe slightly crazy, but normal nonetheless – and writing helps me process whatever I’m dealing with.
I need an outlet. I want somewhere that I can write about the everyday things, good and bad. I want a place where I get to share tidbits of my daily life in hopes that it will spark ideas for someone else or encourage another woman to know that she is “normal” – or at least not as crazy as I am. 🙂 Maybe this will become a place where others can share ideas with me too. Maybe it really does take a village sometimes. The brain of Staci Bishop is a busy place. Sometimes I just need to get my thoughts and ideas out of my head. I figure this is as good a place as any. Besides, I like sharing what works for me. You never know when it might help someone else.
And, finally, because my best friend told me that I am interesting and to Go. For. It! Everyone should have a friend like this! I’m so blessed to have found her on my little life journey. I’m not so sure that my life is super interesting but I’m eager to document it.
Secretly, I’d like to think that I am writing (er, typing) this stuff to save for all of prosperity and that one day my daughter or granddaughter(s?) will read it. You know, the whole legacy-leaving thing. It makes me think of the song You’re Gonna Miss This. Basically, I’m writing because “these are some good times” and I’m “gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast.” Heck, I already do!
So, here’s to the new year, my new blog, this little life, and how I manage it…. If You Really Wanna Know.

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