A Recap of my 2010 Resolutions
December 30, 2010
Let’s just take a look-see back at my 2010 resolutions.
1. Stop eating after 7 pm. I got off to a great start with this one and it probably lasted 3 or 4 months. I noticed that my weight was SLOWLY going down (but down nonetheless) with this simple change alone. Probably should stick with that one. I just got lazy along the way. It also doesn’t help my willpower to see (and smell) Mike snacking right before bed.
2. Pay more attention to Easton. Again, I was doing great on this one at the beginning because I was making a conscious effort. I’m definitely doing better than I did in the first few years of Skylar’s life when he was totally on the back burner (poor puppy). Luckily, Easton is super low maintenance but that’s no excuse.
3. Pay off $15,000 in debt. We didn’t meet this one but we did pay off $11,000 in debt. Unfortunately, this year we were met by a pay cut at Mike’s job. Considering that, I’m still pleased that we managed to pay off any debt at all. I am a-okay with this one considering that learning to live within our *new* means was (and still is) a feat in itself.
4. Reduce our grocery budget to $50 per week. I totally aced this one! My average for 2010 was $49.74 each week and I saved over $7000 for the year. Score!
5. Make a habit of reading the Bible with Skylar each morning. I started out great with this one too but then I ran out of Bible story books. I would love some suggestions for preschool bible study or devotionals.
6. Weight 140 pounds or less by 12/31/10. No dice here. I still weigh the exact same as last year. I’m not terribly upset by this one. I don’t have major body image issues and I really could care less about a # on a scale. Actually, we don’t even own a set of scales. I originally made this goal because I tend to gain a few pounds around the holidays and I was thinking I could get ahead of the game.
7. Start getting up by 6:30 a.m. every day. Mission accomplished. Mainly, this is due to Skylar starting school at Stanford. I have to be up in order to get us both ready and have her at school by 8:00. It makes a big difference when I get up and am ready before I have to get her up.
I can see a pattern here. It looks like I start off great for 3-4 months but then taper off. This is actually surprising to me because it supposedly only takes 21 days to form a habit. I’m guessing that I probably got out of whack with most of these when there was something to disrupt the daily routine. Looking back, my best guess is that I lost steam during Spring Break vacation (3 months in) or the start of Summer (5 months in). It was all downhill from there. Knowing that may help me to overcome those obstacles this year.
Stay tuned for my 2011 resolutions.
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