Why I Make New Year’s Resolutions
December 29, 2010
Some people think New Year’s Resolutions are silly. Not me. I think we can always strive to improve ourselves. The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to jot down some formal goals. There’s just something about the new year and the idea of a fresh start that appeals to me. Well, that and the idea of making a list. Oh, I love me a list.
My New Year’s Resolution making began back in high school. Me and my BFF, Jill (also a fellow list lover), would work hard on making our little list. It was often written on carefully picked, pretty paper. We would stay up until midnight (or later) to ring in the new year and then sign each other’s paper as a “witness.” I have very fond memories of our New Year’s Resolution declaration ritual.
I still make resolutions each year and I always think of my dear friend. I don’t necessarily stay up until midnight anymore and I don’t write them on fancy paper but I do make them. Sometimes I jot them down on a random scrap of paper, sometimes I journal them, and sometimes I just keep them tucked away in my mind. Preferably, I like to actually write or type them. Those methods have a greater appeal to my type-A-ness. 🙂
Sometimes my resolutions are things I want to work towards, achieve, or even just aspire to do. Sometimes (a lot of times) I don’t meet my goal. That’s okay. I still worked toward something. If I never set a goal then I will NEVER achieve it. Sometimes it just takes me longer than 12 months to get that item accomplished. In the past, I have made resolutions that have ranged from personal goals to physical goals, marriage goals, parenting goals, spiritual goals, financial goals to career goals. You name a category and I have probably created a resolution for it on one January 1st or another.
This year, I will be sharing my 2011 resolutions with you. I also plan to share how well I did or didn’t do on my 2010 resolutions. :X
Merry Christmas!
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