• 5 Things I Learned After a Month of Fasting

    We’re coming off a month of fasting, which has been both challenging and refreshing. It’s provided me with some insight of more than just spiritual proportions and I wanted to share my experience. For starters, I have never fasted before.…

  • Home Chef Review

    Home Chef Review

    CLICK TO SAVE $35 ON YOUR FIRST ORDER – LIMITED TIME OFFER! I’m so excited to share my Home Chef Review with all of you. I’ve been using meal delivery services for several months. I originally thought I would order…

  • Hello Fresh vs. Publix (Save $40 with code NSCFW3)

    HELLO FRESH…     It’s a   grocery / meal planning / life   game changer!  Trust me. Personally, I love the convenience of Hello Fresh. It’s Farmer’s Market meets Amazon. It’s Pinterest meets simplicity. They deliver fresh ingredients. To. My.…

  • Hello Fresh – Save $40 with code NSCFW3

    UPDATE: Hello Fresh vs. Publix (a price comparison) Back in 2012, I made a resolution to “simplify” except that I feel like I’m just now getting a handle on what that actually means. We started by homeschooling, which I actually thought…

  • Scripture Memory Hack

    One of my 2015 resolutions was to memorize scripture. I started out really well but lost my pace after about 3 months. One reason was because I got stumped by a particularly tough chunk of scripture and lost my momentum.…

  • 2014 Year In Review

    This is usually my favorite post to write. Turns out that 2014 was filled with a lot of hurt and frustration that overshadowed the entire year. I sat down and attempted to write this post on 2 or 3 (okay…

  • My Little Redneck Garden

    This is my 4th year to have a garden and every year I get a little more redneck. Interestingly enough, my green thumb has been increasing in direct correlation to my renecking. Odd. Personally, I find my garden endearing and…

  • My Dislike for the Greeting Card Aisle

    *I went looking for this post but realized I never published it. Whoopsie. But it’s another holiday later and I still feel the exact same way. In fact, tomorrow is Mother’s Day and I’ve dreaded going to the greeting card…

  • My 2013 Resolutions

    I can’t find the right words to communicate what I want for this year. I’ve reviewed my resolutions from previous years hoping for inspiration. I even revisited why I make New Year’s Resolutions. The problem is that my goals for…

  • The Prodigal Yogi

    BACKGROUND: In October 2011, I managed to score a $300 gift certificate to the YMCA at a Silent Auction for only $80. What a deal! My plan was to save it for summer mainly because they had a pool. In…