Today,  Work

Work, Work, Work

This week I have been SLAMED with work! One of my accounts is preparing for an audit and they have been sending a lot of dictations. At last count, it was 143 files. The saving grace is this is my account that pays the best so I really don’t mind all the work. My daily account has been sending work as usual but they also had some makeup dictations too. Then there was some work on a new account that I helped out with. Aren’t I a wonderful employee? You wanna hire me too?

This week I have worked 7-8 or even 9 hour days trying to get caught up. I know that doesn’t seem like a lot for those of you who work full time anyway, but this is non-stop sitting in a chair and moving my fingers and my foot pedal as fast as they can go. After all, my job pays on production meaning, I only get paid for as much as I complete.
Monday was the longest day. When I finally got up my hips were cramped up and my neck was on fire. I felt awful. Tuesday was slightly better but not by much. Needless to say, I’ve taken a nice, HOT bath every night this week. It’s Friday and my neck and shoulder are still all junked up. I’m pretty sure there is a visit to Dr. Baston in my very near future. That and yoga class.
There was a snow day on Wednesday, which made things extra interesting. My little one was not gonna stand for me being locked in my office all day. Luckily, we have Grandma. I’m so thankful for Grandma. It’s bad enough that I’m way behind on my regular house chores and life responsibilities but she saved me from getting buried under all that transcription work.
I was so exhausted that when I finally got caught up on Thursday morning, I was like a vegetable for the rest of the day. I couldn’t be productive to save my life. I should have been catching up on cleaning but I literally sat around day dreaming. It’s another coping mechanism of mine. When things feel out of control, I sit and think and plan out my future. Only in this case I was planning out the next 10 years. Speaking of, I think Mike & I actually have a plan but it’s going to involve some big changes so I’m still praying about it.
All in all, it turns out that I made more money in 3 days then I typically make in a month! This was a prime example of “when it rains, it pours.” Granted, I wouldn’t mind working like this if it was only once a month. Then again, I kind of like things being spread out a little more. More like a nice, consistent drizzle. 🙂
Then, today I realized that I totally forgot to send in my invoice for the work I completed. I seriously should re-name this blog… The Irony That Is My Life. I worked like crazy all week and then forgot to get paid for it. Thank goodness for Starbucks. I literally pulled in their parking lot, fired up my laptop, and used their Wi-Fi to submit my pay sheet for this week.
Here’s hoping next week is a bit more calm. In the meantime, I have to go shave my legs. Yes, it’s been another 10 days. See my current excuse above. 🙂
How was your week?

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