My Life,  Today

Joy Abounds (a love list of sorts)

So today was quite possibly one of the best days I’ve had in a loooooong time. It was seriously perfect. All day long I kept adding things to my list that were making this span of 24 hours so fantastic. Technically, it started yesterday around 2:00 and just kept going. So, to mimic one of my favorite bloggers and her Love Lists, here’s mine.

Friday –
Finished a HUGE project for work (my new job) that I had been given the previous afternoon and I deemed it impossible to finish by the given deadline. I miraculously managed to get it done and I walked out of Kinko’s grinning from ear to ear. I even impressed myself on that one.
Sleepover with my LifeGroup ladies. We had so much fun. We ate, and ate, and ate. Okay, maybe that was just me but it was all so delicious. I was still eating a piece of cookie cake at 11:30 but no sleeopver is complete without late night snacks. Right?! We laughed. A lot. We discussed a variety of topics. Some PG. Some not. It was a blast!
Saturday –
Slept for 8 hours. The last 2 weeks have been nuts. I’ve been learning the ropes of my new job (which I love, by the way), plus doing my old job, plus fulfilling my consignment responsibilities, plus keeping up with all the other irons I have in fires right now. I haven’t slept much. At all. I actually woke up this morning and felt rested. Like, for real. It was a wonderful feeling. Sleep is not overrated. Trust me.
Love letter from my fella. Me & the hubs have been working on some things and boy are they looking up. I arrived home from my sleepover to a clean house and a love letter. *swoon*
Lowe’s Build & Grow Clinic. Hubby is now working Saturday’s so me and the girl have been going to these free weekend workshops. Today, we worked together to build a firetruck. She did so fantastic following the picture directions. They also had set the clinic up outside because it was so stinking gorgeous out today. However, the wind was blowing the little plastic parts bags everywhere. When we where done, my green girl walked around picking up everyone else’s trash. *melt*
Picnic at the park. We had the rest of the day ahead of us and decided to pack a lunch and stroll the wagon down to the pirate park near our house. I’m so thankful that we have such a great little playground within walking distance. We spread out our blanket and munched and talked. It was precious!
The weather. Have I mentioned yet how absolutely gorgeous it was today? Not hot. Not cold but kinda cloudy yet the sun peeked through at all the right moments. The weather had a lot to do with my mood today. It was dog gone amazing!
Sweet statements by my girl. The Little Girl was in a super sweet mood today. I think her heart had an extra measure of joy too. She would randomly say, “Isn’t this a beautiful day” or “I really like spending time with you.” *more melting*
Hide & Seek. For a while, it was just me and Missy Prissy at the park and we played a rousing game of hide & seek. Behind trees, on the playground, down the hill. She’s a pretty good hider, and seeker for that matter.
Snuggles from my girl. Remember all those sweet statements? Well, she was also very open to snuggles and hand holding today as well. She would run off and play and then come back and ask to sit in my lap. When we would walk, she would reach up and grab my hand. *I’m a puddle at this point* We spent some time just laying on our blanket looking up at the sky and chatting about the clouds. Then we just lay quietly for a spell. I was giving back rubs a plenty too.
Spending all day outside. We were at the park all. day. long. It was too perfect to go inside and we were just delighting in the day. Skylar made friend after friend and I adored watching her use her manners and people skills.
Being able to talk to God anytime I want. I used a lot of the quiet moments today just praying for the things that are heavy on my heart and thanking Him over and over again for the peace and joy and happiness I felt today.
Roasted vegetables for dinner. I just learned how to make roasted vegetables last year and it has become one of my favorite things to eat. I was gonna make some chicken to go with them but I ended up slicing so many veggies that I was content with just that. Plus, I got to use fresh herbs from MY garden. Man-O-Man they were delish! I also used the left over olive oil brushed on some French bread. Yummy doesn’t even describe it.
The day is still going. Hubby just gone home from work and tucked the wee one into bed. Who knows what the rest of the day will hold but I’m perfectly happy and full of joy right now. I wish every day could feel as good as this one did.

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