Family Update

2011 – Year In Review

Here are my random memories as I think back over this last year. I may add more as they come to me.

I remember snow and LOTS of it. We had SO much snow that you could literally roll huge mounds of it for a snowman. I remember that my rainbow colored rainboots were one of my most prized possessions of the year because they made both snow and rain fun! Well, kinda.

I remember the all-too-brief month that I hired a Mother’s Helper. I am so thankful we got to know Karlee. She was a wonderful help when I needed an extra pair of hands and it allowed me to finish a huge short-term project for work.
I remember taking Skylar to the Children’s Theater for the 1st time and being so pleased that she has finally reached an age where we could do more outings like that.
I remember venturing a whopping 3/4 mile from home to camp at the KOA. I still hate camping but Skylar loves it so I go. If I’m being honest, the KOA was pretty nice.
I remember spending an ENITRE Saturday doing art with Skylar because she needed a little TLC.
I remember getting up at 5 am to watch the Royal wedding. Skylar joined me after she woke up but we couldn’t leave for school until she could see them kiss. That made it official in her eyes.
I remember our School’s Out for Summer trip to Chattanooga and how excited we all were. We love that city and plan to make it an annual vacation spot. This trip is also when Skylar decided she was ready to swim again after a 2-year hiatus.
I remember lazy Fridays at the lake with the bestest of friends. I swear, this is the best $30 I spend all year.
I remember writing my 1st article for a magazine. It was so exciting to be contacted and even though I stressed myself out over every word, I enjoyed the process as well.
I remember the day Mike came home to tell me he lost his job. The rest of the year was tough but I finally feel like we are hopefully headed in the right direction again.
I remember struggling over a decision to change Skylar to a different classroom at Stanford but watching her thrive in the new environment.
I remember vacationing at the beach during Tropical Storm Lee and seeing Mike hit the jackpot at the arcade. My favorite part was seeing Skylar give away tickets to other kids.
I remember FINALLY coming up with an online name/acronym for Skylar that I actually liked and getting tickled that everyone automatically new what tLG stands for.
Of all our trips to Alabama I remember 4-wheeler rides with my Dad, Mike & Skylar and creating my first Advent calendar in mom’s scrapbook room.
I remember that I needed a job and God provided a PERFECT fit for me in less than 24 hours. Not long after I started, I traveled to San Diego for the first time. It was absolutely beautiful there.
I remember Mike & I finally taking a vacation for just the two of us. I would guess that we slept at least 75% of the trip and I would pay good money to do it again. I remember eating every scrumptious bite of the adventurous food and our beautiful drive up the Cozumel coastline to the best snorkeling I’ve ever seen.
I remember having 3 friends pregnant at the same time and how exciting that was to experience. I remember meeting baby Silas for the first time and knowing that I could no longer resist my dream to become a doula. I also remember that God provided the money I needed to obtain my certification within days of this revelation.
I remember my birthday dinner with friends and falling in love with Rosemary Lemonade.
I remember many a Saturday at Lowe’s helping my girl build all sorts of wooden toys. This became one of our favorite weekend activities.
I remember our annual holiday outing to the Opryland Hotel and letting Skylar wander around at her own little pace. She loved the maze-like sidewalks. I also remember that this year she was truly skeptical about the whole Santa thing but loved and cherished Red Robin. She was so sad when he had to go back to the North Pole.
I remember the super excited feeling I had on New Year’s Eve as we looked toward 2012. Oh, the possibilities.

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