Family Update

October 2020 Family Update

At the beginning of the month we finished up our beach trip and headed back to Nashville, straight to hockey. It’s a good thing I love this kid. There aren’t many people (if any) that I would give up both my Friday night AND my Saturday mornings for. But I love seeing how happy it makes her and the friendships she is forming with her teammates.

They did have one weekend off this month and she was able to go horseback riding and camping with her scout troop. In true Skylar fashion, she took her hockey helmet for the trail ride. Oh, that kid cracks us up!

Skylar has also been super creative this month. She has built a rowing machine, a stationary bike, and she fixed our broken box fan with a piece of cardboard and duct tape. I’m literally raising MacGyver. She’s so stinking clever that it’s a little bit scary.

I started participating in a running group this month. It runs for 6 weeks and despite being very gentle, it’s kicking my butt. Well, mainly my knees. The goal is to be able to run 2 miles at the end. We’ll see. I’ve always WANTED to love running but I’m just not sure it’s for me. But, I’m determined to complete the challenge that I set for myself. Skylar has been so encouraging. She even converted a section of the garage into a little gym and reminds me to do all of my homework each week.

She also talked both Mike and I into taking ice skating lessons. The best (worst) part is that we have to leave the house at 6:15 am. However, Skylar is going to make a great mama one day. She sets her alarm and gets up and gets herself ready before getting us up and making my coffee. She also packs us a bag with all of the things we will need. I’m telling you, this kiddo is a GEM!

We also had our family photos taken last week and I cannot wait to see them. We drove over an hour to get to a waterfall destination and it was magical!

On Halloween weekend she played in a tournament and her team came in 2nd place. She was so excited! We all were. Ok, she was a teensy bit grouchy about not winning but overall it was a great experience. After a quick nap, we went trick-or-treating in Spence Creek with friends. Well, she did. I sat by the firepit most of the night. On the way home, Skylar switched the radio to Christmas music. It’s her most favorite holiday ever and she is in full countdown mode!

But, first, Thanksgiving!

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