Passions,  Today

My Favorite Day of the Year

It’s back. My favorite day of the year. Many folks could easily claim Christmas or their birthday or anniversary the best day of the year. Not me. It’s the start of Daylight Saving Time.
For several weeks I’ve been enjoying the fact that the days are getting just a teensy bit longer. I can actually put dinner on the table and it isn’t pitch black outside. It’s a good feeling. Starting today, I get six months of sun. Sun of the late in the day variety. I could care less about it being bright and shinny in the morning hours. This girl needs her sun at night. Like, really. I NEED it. Lack of sun makes me super grumpy. I need warmth and light and vitamin D I need it during the hours that I’m awake and up and moving. Let me tell ya. That ain’t at 6 a.m. I’m a much bigger fan of long summer nights.
I know that many of you are lamenting over the lack of a precious hour of sleep. Typically, I would be too. To be perfectly honest, I would gladly give up TWO hours of sleep just to get back to DST. Oh how I wish we could just stay on this time schedule and never go back.
So, this is me wishing you a happy Daylight Savings Time. Is it too early to send out an invite to my Summer Solstice party?

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