Family Update

2013 Year in Review

The yearly reflection post is probably my favorite. This year I had quite a bit to think back on and it literally took me 3 days to finish this post.

I remember when I gave my child permission to quit one activity to start another, mid-season, and I became a karate mom.

I remember road tripping with my Dad, hitting four states in two days including a little stop off at my freshman college campus. That place has grown!

I remember receiving phonetically-spelled and emoticon-full texts from tLG anytime I was traveling. They always made me smile.

I remember our 3rd annual No Boys Allowed Party with dancing, stair jumping, pillow fighting and art making. The best part was stepping over sleeping little bodies to make my way to my room, which had been transformed into the biggest fort ever.

I remember Award’s Show season. Me + E! + wine + Twitter. It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

I remember when MY beloved Publix opened in Donelson. It was all I had dreamed of and more. The natural health section still makes my heart palpitate. In a very good way.

I remember going to the Women’s Retreat. It was such a bittersweet weekend. I knew it was my last weekend away with Kelly before she moved but I also debuted my first set of nYn products and sold out of practically everything.

I remember tLG’s dental surgery and the insane amount of research that went into making an informed decision about that process. It’s infuriating that modern medicine can cause so many side effects that no one either a) knows about or b) bothers to mention.

I remember adding tires and pallets to my little redneck garden. I do love having fresh herbs and produce straight from the backyard but I somehow managed not to get a single tomato this year.

I remember when Field Day got canceled for rain and my girl gave me a “lesson” on skip counting. I do love me some Montessori.

I remember cutting my hair a 3rd time for Locks of Love. It was too long to think about going through another summer and I knew it was time. I gave 15 inches, which is my longest donation yet.

I remember picking out a “Fly Over” outfit with tLG. It wasn’t a dress but it was PERFECT for her unique style.

I remember our School’s Out for Summer Trip with Yah Yah. We had so much fun, especially sneaking over to the Holiday Inn to watch movies by the pool each night. On this trip, I declared 6 my new favorite age!

I remember when my bestie moved to Dallas. I literally felt LOST for weeks. Our little routine had just shifted in a big way. The way we made plans and went about our daily life was just… different.

I remember praying for a new friend and being shocked at how quickly and perfectly the Lord provided more than a friend, but a family, and we all attached to each other in a hurry. They love all the same things as we do, including our beloved Summer Fridays at the lake.

I remember many a summer dinner. It’s possible that I perfected stove-top popcorn in coconut oil, sprinkled with salt and drizzled with butter. We also declared Chocolate Moose Tracks our fave!

I remember discovering Bicentennial Mall. I have no idea how I’ve never been there before. It has water and long stretches of grass and rocks and bells and the capitol building in the background and the Farmer’s Market next door. It became my new happy place. So much so that we had our family pictures taken there in the fall.

Oh, how fondly I remember Summer Solstice. Not only is it my favorite day but we had the most delightful party with lots of friends to celebrate. Art Moves was here to do crafts with the kids and everyone had a blast!

I remember getting berries with tLG and Circle S Farms. She’s a pretty good picker!

I can’t quite remember when LeDarin showed up in our lives but I do remember how Skylar adored him. He seemed to fill a void in her heart from two other buddies who had moved away.

I remember going to TDF’s Broadway review and falling in love with the music from Wicked and swearing to see it the next time it’s at TPAC.

I remember discovering Hot Rod Ice Cream Shoppe. It’s dangerously close to home and they have the best homemade waffle cones I’ve ever tasted. We may have went there a bit too often. Nah!

I remember the 1st day of first grade and some sweet new friends getting up super early to get us off to a good start. I cried that day as I mourned the loss of summer with my girl.

I remember a Sunday out on the pontoon boat with the entire family and being voted the “way more fun” jet ski driver. I also remember many sunset cruises on that boat with friends. Good times.

I remember my 1st trip to Roan Mountain. This was right on the heels of me discovering how many useful herbs grow in our area. I was in heaven. I also remember some sweet little girlies setting up a restaurant and serving everyone.

I remember when Mike randomly surprised me with the new M&M flavor, coconut. Life changing moment in many ways.

I remember a 66-hour birth that made me question why I ever wanted to become a doula. I hear it happens to the best of us. At my very next birth, I literally helped catch the baby and that was the reminder I needed.

I remember opting out of Awana and starting Bible Club at home. It was one of the best ideas I’ve had in a long time. Such sweet moments with my girl.

I remember homework, but not fondly. It did, however, get my wheels turning about homeschool.

I remember riding the Wacky Worm roller coaster at the fair with tLG over and over. She held her hands in the air like a true pro!

I remember how much I hated Vegas but how much my girl LOVED the Bellagio. She flew as an unaccompanied minor to get there and totally rocked it. Such a jet setter. I remember when she was sick at Christmas and so puny but she would say “let’s talk about Bellagio again.”

I remember when Skylar spent all of her tickets at the Fall Festival at the Garden Craft area. She does love art!

I remember meeting The Duggars! That may have been the highlight of my year.

I remember crossing a milestone that, 2 years before, I would have sworn could never happen. 

I remember the day that Skylar suddenly announced that she wanted her ears pierced. She did great and was so proud of them! I was so proud of how well she did and how easily she took care of them.

I remember falling in love with “chawk” paint and making plans for nearly every piece of furniture in our house. I even consented to letting Skylar pick “junebug” (bright green) for her desk.

 I remember when Skylar wanted her nails painted Auburn colors and when Alabama lost in the last second of the game. Boo!

I remember the enormous amount of research, thought, and prayer that went into our decision to homeschool.

I remember hanging with sweet friends at Christmas and overtaking their dining room table for many games of Settlers of Catan.

That’s it for 2013. Wonder what 2014 will hold?

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