
I hate running

I hate running.

Like, almost as much as winter.

So when hubby suggested we do the Couch to 5K program together, I laughed and said “naw!” in my best Jase Robertson impression.

He explained that it’s just quick little bursts of jogging with lots of walking in between.

I reminded him that I do hot yoga because I hate running. And pretty much every other form of exercise known to man. It makes me sore and achy. I don’t like sore and achy.

He said it’s only 30 minutes a day 3 times a week and I will be ready to run a 5K in just 8 short weeks.

I adamantly replied that I don’t need to run a 5K. I’m not a runner. I don’t even “get” why people run for fun.

He says he will do it with me and the app is free.

I think he needs to work on his sales pitch but I did give him points for appealing to my frugal side. At this point, a little voice in my head reminded me that I’m going to Uganda in about 6 weeks and we will be doing a lot of walking. A lot. Since I sit in a chair at a desk all day, it might be a good idea to get prepared for that.

I asked if I can listen to music while I run.

He says I can make my own playlist.

I download the app just to make sure he’s telling the truth while simultaneously thinking about half-price milkshakes at Sonic.

Later, I come downstairs dressed in my yoga clothes and sneakers. Yes, it looks as ridiculous as it sounds and we all had a big laugh about it. You should also know that my tennis shoes are white Adidas (yes, white) which probably means they were purchased in the 90s. Go ahead. Laugh. It’s okay. I never claimed to be a runner.

So I ran, or rather haphazardly jogged in 60-second spurts. And I didn’t die. Best of all, my sweet hubby who had already completed Day 1 was waiting outside for me when I turned the corner to come home.

I told him it wasn’t terrible but I think I’m gonna need new sports bras and shoes if I’m going to keep this up but at least my tight fitting yoga clothes kept all the other things that bounce in place. I hate running. That was the most positive thing I could think of to say about the experience.

C25K Day 1 – check! 

And to ensure that I was not sore and achy I promptly took a hot bath with epsom salt and eucalyptus essential oil.

We’ll see how long this lasts. Ha!

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