Family Update

August 2015 Update

This month started off rather interesting when I ended up in the emergency room late one Wednesday night. As you know, I am a firm believer that modern medicine should be used as a last resort. Well, use it I did because me and crippling pain don’t mix. Turns out I had a kidney stone, which wasn’t even on my radar. I blame the pain and the nausea & vomiting for affecting my reasoning skills. Regardless, we drove about 100 mph to Summit Medical Center because I. Thought. I. Was. Dying. Thankfully, the staff had me diagnosed in about 30 seconds. I’m not even kidding. And within 5 minutes they had me in a room with an IV. The first dose of meds did absolutely nada and I was still climbing the walls. Literally. I was that patient. The moaning and groaning one. So my nurse ordered the end-all-be-all of pain meds. Dilaudid. The moral of the story is that I went from “this is my Last Will and Testament” to “Praise Jesus!” in 10 minutes flat. Modern medicine – no one is denying that the emergency room has the good stuff.

My last day at work was August 7th and Mike was traveling with work for about a week mid-month, so that seemed like the perfect time to start 3rd grade. And it has been wonderful! You may remember that we COMPLETELY switched curriculum this year to better suit tLG’s learning style. After just a few days I was already in love with the choices I made, and my girl is doing so well. I also love the freedom of not being tied to my desk all day. August has given us some unseasonably spectacular weather so we have done school at the park, in the living room, and in the front yard. Also, on our very first day of school we went to a Ted Cruz rally and look who got to meet the Senator. 🙂

Speaking of work, I am so excited to be taking doula clients again. I’m already booked through the end of the year and I have two clients for 2016. I’ve gotten a few calls for postpartum work as well, which is like icing on the cake. It’s good for my soul to snuggle babies. The Lord just continues to provide, which is confirmation that leaving my job was the right thing to do. I mean, following His prompting is ALWAYS the right thing, but it can be a little scary when the rest of the world tells you it doesn’t make sense. Since doula work comes in spurts, I’m also looking for new virtual assistant clients so, if you know of someone who needs help, send them my way.

Mike and I celebrated 10 years of marriage this month. In some ways it feels like we are starting from scratch so it seemed only fitting to take a weekend getaway to Chattanooga where we spent our honeymoon. We had a great trip! It was so funny to note all of the touristy things we did 10 years ago. We had absolutely zero interest in those things this time. We opted for adventure and good food instead and this visit was so much more relaxing and enjoyable.

It’s hard to say which I enjoyed more…  our white water funyak excursion on the Hiawassee River, the hike to sunset rock (where we also saw a lovely couple get engaged), or dinner at St. John’s gourmet restaurant. Truth be told, I may have appreciated our late night run to Baskin Robbins the most. That darn milkshake obsession wins every time.

tLG and I are finishing out the month with our annual trip to the beach with mom. I’m pretty sure I have vacationed on the Gulf almost every year of my life (not even kidding) and I don’t ever remember seeing the water so calm, clear, and blue. It feels like we are in the Caribbean. We have snorkeled our little hearts out and found so many shells, which is my girl’s favorite beach activity. And traveling with her is my favorite. She’s an awesome little jet setter!

We head home in a few days. The State Fair is coming up which signals the end of my favorite season. This summer didn’t hardly even seem to get started until this month and it’s about to be over. Thank goodness for football. It’s fall’s only redeeming quality.

More August photos available here.

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