Family Update

November 2015 Update

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. 

Daylight Savings has ended and I’m already entering hermit mode for winter. In fact, I’m taking it more seriously than ever this year. I’ve got all my delivery services lined up so that I never have to leave home if I don’t want to. Staci’s Guide to Being a Hermit this Winter.

Honestly there isn’t much to report for this month but I’ll try to give you a few interesting tidbits. Legos are all the rage at our house right now. This kid kills me with her creativity. She makes the coolest things. This is her “Trails to Treasure” game, which is pretty fun to play.

Mike traveled to Louisville for a few days this month with work. I helped another family welcome their little one to the world. I’ve also been doing more overnight postpartum shifts. Sometimes I still can’t believe that snuggling little babies is my job! 🙂

We spent Thanksgiving in Alabama with my family and had a very nice visit. Mike and I came on home but Skylar is going to stay a few extra days and let my parents love on her.

Alabama beat Auburn in the Iron Bowl meaning I get bragging rights for the next year. Mike and I actually watched the game in the same room this year and we both rather enjoyed it. That’s new! 😉

Homeschool is going well. In fact, going into Thanksgiving we already had 80 days. We should have 90+ going into the Christmas holidays which sets us up pretty good for the spring semester. This month we did a Field Trip to see Charlotte’s Web and to Homeschool Day at McKays, which is really just an excuse to go buy books. 😉

I should have more to report in December. In fact, I know I will. There’s a new addition coming to our family…. No, not a baby. A pure-bred German Shepard who Skylar has decided to name Baron after her favorite book of all time. I’ve never owned a “working” breed before or any dog remotely close to 100 pounds for that matter. This ought to be interesting. Stay tuned. Click here for more November photos. 

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