August 2016 Update
Oh goodness, do I love me some Olympics! We kicked it off with our favorite friends and an Opening Ceremony Party complete with theme food, crafts, and the Front Yard Olympiad.
Then we moved every TV in the house to the living room and referred to it as Olympic Central.
After a few nights of my people falling asleep on the couch, we moved a mattress downstairs. I’m not even kidding. Y’all, I am SERIOUS about the Olympics. Hard core.
For 2+ weeks there was a TV tuned to Olympics pretty much 24/7. If you saw me, called me (please just don’t), or texted me this past month, chances are pretty high I worked Olympics into the conversation. Occasionally my people, friends, and home felt neglected. I just kept telling them that this only happens ONCE EVERY 4 YEARS. Also, #HatersToTheLeft.
I really think this Olympics was my favorite (I probably say that every time) but there were some awesome stories, moments, and intense competitions. I was in hook, line, and sinker. Part of what I love about the Olympics is that it restores my faith in humanity. Although, I think all my favorite Olympians are retiring. Thankfully, there is an awesome group coming right behind them!
Oh, as a side note, we also started school this month. I think Olympics helped distract me from the fact I have a 4th grader. I seriously get so sad about this growing up business. Anyway, we spent the first two weeks easing into the year with a focus on, you guessed it, Olympics. Don’t be fooled, Skylar loves the Olympics about as much as I do but we both learned so much by doing an in-depth study. It was fantastic to be learning about a subject so intently while it was happening in real life. Homeschool for the win. Also, she made an ah-maz-ing Olympic world in Minecraft!
On another Olympic-related note, Skylar has been talking about swimming since the beginning of summer. When the trials were on TV, she kicked it up a notch (shout out to her idol, Missy Franklin). When the Olympics started she was relentless. And then she got her Aunt Laura on her side, which left me no choice. 😉 We enrolled her in swim classes. Nevermind that the class interfered with Olympic Primetime coverage (thank goodness for the NBC app). She went to 4 classes and then they graduated her to Jr. Swim Team, which made all her 9-year-old dreams come true. She works so hard in practice and is doing so well. We are really proud of her and excited to see where this takes her. If nothing else, it helps me put a big ole check mark next to the PE requirement.
When my beloved Olympics came to an end, we celebrated in the same way we started – Closing Ceremony Party with good friends and good food!
If anything else important happened this month, I couldn’t tell ya… because Olympics. Okay, stuff did happen. More pictures here.
July 2016 in Pictures
August 2016 in Pictures
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