• August 2016 Update

    August can pretty much be summed up in one word:  O L Y M P I C S Oh goodness, do I love me some Olympics! We kicked it off with our favorite friends and an Opening Ceremony Party complete…

  • Family Friendly Nashville Mural Tour Plan

    Me and my bestie traipsed our brood of children all over Nashville yesterday for some summer fun and a little culture too! Basically, we are awesome. We had this idea to do a mural tour months ago. We even put…

  • 2014 Summer Camp Review

    We are drawing near to the end of summer. Boo! I can hardly believe it. I wanted to do a quick recap of our Summer Camp choices. Here they are ranked in order of preference (by the 7 year old).…

  • 3rd Annual Summer Solstice Party

    It’s ON! Summer Solstice is Saturday, June 21st and we are going to CELEBRATE! Many of you know how much I love summer, and the LONGEST day of the year is my favorite. Unfortunately, this year I will be celebrating…

  • 2014 Summer Bucket List

    Summer is here and we’ve been working on our Bucket List. Many of these are located in and around Nashville, TN but not all of them. Here’s a quick look at what the Bishops will be up to this summer…

  • Sonic Milkshake Challenge + Checklist

    It’s no secret that this girl loves summer. When Sonic announced half-price shakes after 5 pm, ALL SUMMER LONG, I was thrilled! …and that’s when the idea came to me. I’m going to try all 25 flavors. Why? Because it…

  • Educational Nashville Summer Camps

    It’s that time of year again. Summer camp registration. In order to get into the best camps, you must register early to reserve your spot.  Even though we are homeschooling, I still wanted tLG to participate in summer camps. It’s…

  • June 2012 Update

    This month has been so great! SO great. I’ve had weeks and weeks of happiness. Oh my goodness, it has been glorious. Part of it is just because it’s summer and I ADORE summer. However, I think one of the…

  • School’s Out For Summer Trip

    We are trying to make this trip an annual occurrence at Casa de Bishop. After all, surviving another year of school is something to be celebrated. Last year, we headed for Chattanooga. This year we headed for Knoxville. We stayed…

  • Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

    1st Day of PreK The new school year has started. I’ll be honest, I’m having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I find this highly unusual for me. I LOVE routine. I like knowing what to…