Celebrations,  Summer Fun

3rd Annual Summer Solstice Party

It’s ON! Summer Solstice is Saturday, June 21st and we are going to CELEBRATE!

Many of you know how much I love summer, and the LONGEST day of the year is my favorite.

Unfortunately, this year I will be celebrating Summer Solstice on another continent but that doesn’t mean our tradition needs to be broken back home. 

My friends at the Donelson Sonic are such good sports! First, they decided to play along with my #SonicMilkshakeChallenge and now they are going to be the host of the 3rd Annual Summer Solstice Party. How awesome is that?!?!

Wanna know the best part? Now the whole community can come out to celebrate Summer Solstice!

We will get the party started around 6:30 pm. Come on out and let’s toast to the first official day of Summer! I don’t know about you but I’ve been celebrating for weeks. The calendar is always a bit behind if you ask me. 😉

Wanna know the next-best part? Milkshakes are half-price after 5 pm. Yay!!! Have you printed off your Sonic Milkshake Checklist yet? This would be a good time to get started on the Challenge.

Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 21st starting at 6:30 pm. Bring your whole family and invite a friend!

Cheers to summer!

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