Family Update

June 2014 Family Update

Summer is here officially now!

Per our usual, we started off the summer with a trip to the beach.

Skylar and I wrapped up our time there and headed back with just a few days to spare before she headed off to Mr. Bond Space Camp. She had a blast at this one and definitely wants to go it again next year. She also enjoyed Zoo Camp this month. She enjoyed it as well but says she didn’t like that it was so long (9a-3p). She prefers the half day camps. I personally like the all day camps because it keeps me from running back and forth all over town in a short period of time. I’ve tried to compromise this year and alternate the full day camps with some half day camps mixed in.

The big news to report for June is that I went to AFRICA! I spent 2 weeks working with Mercy for Mamas in Uganda. I was quite anxious about the trip going in but it all worked out fine. It was very fulfilling and rewarding despite being completely exhausting. I really enjoyed the work that we were doing there. Now that I’m home, rested, and have had a chance to process what I saw, I can appreciate it even more. You can read more about the trip here.

Mike and tLG did really well without me gone. Almost a little too good. While I was in Uganda, they had me thinking they weren’t even missing me at all. However, I got the real scoop when I got home and a mountain of laundry to boot. My girl was literally attached to me like a leech for the first 24 hours but I didn’t mind one single bit. I missed them both terribly.

I wasn’t in town to celebrate Summer Solstice but thankfully the folks at Sonic were kind enough to host for me. Several of my friends stopped by to support Skylar while I was on the other side of the world settling for bagged kettle corn and a freeze-dried ice cream sandwich. Hey, don’t knock it ’til you try it. Considering it was my only option, it wasn’t half bad. 😉

As soon as I got home, I went straight back to work and also had to wrap up the end of school year paperwork. By the way, jet lag is brutal! It was much worse coming home than going even though I had expected the opposite. I’ve been home for 5 days and I’m just now starting to feel back on track a little bit. I haven’t tried to open the front door with the key fob today, so that’s a plus. I also know what day it is. Aren’t you proud?

Speaking for school, 2nd grade technically starts tomorrow. Our umbrella program runs their school year from July 1 – June 30 so we can start logging days ASAP. Skylar has a few camps in July that I’m planning to count towards school time. I want to get as big of a head start as I can especially since homeschoolers are required 180 days while the school district only attends for 170-175. I’m planning to start her back officially in August. In the meantime, I will be reviewing the Easy Peasy curriculum for 2nd grade and figure out what I want to supplement.

That’s about it for now. Be sure to check out the June 2014 photos for more Uganda pics.

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