Family Update

March 2020 Update

March was like living in the Twilight Zone. First, a major tornado blew through Nashville just a few miles north of us. Thankfully we were safe but so many of our friends lost everything and are still trying to recover. We did what we could to help and then hopped a plane for our much-anticipated trip to Scotland and Ireland for Mike’s 40th birthday. Oh, and Skylar chopped off her hair to donate the day before our trip. It’s still plenty long!

We had an incredible time touring around both countries. The highlight of Scotland was definitely Edinburgh. Skylar and I particularly enjoyed that city and especially the Royal Mile. It’s also the birthplace of Harry Potter and we rather enjoyed the Potter Trail packed with JK Rowling and HP trivia. For more pics, visit my travel group on Facebook.

After a few days we hopped over to Ireland and did a proper tour of Southern Ireland. We visited Bunratty, Dingle, Killarney, Waterford, and Cork before heading on to Dublin. The Cliffs of Moher were quite impressive as was the drive along Connor’s Pass. We toured several castles (including an overnight stay at Ballyseede Castle). We enjoyed a medieval dinner and shopped in a woolen mill. We had incredible meals in every town and were able to experience a traditional full Irish breakfast. Turns out that I rather like black pudding (blood sausage).

For the last part of our journey, we spent 2 nights in Dublin which covered St. Patrick’s Day. By then, the country was starting to shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak – which canceled all of the parades. Many restaurants had closed as well in addition to all attractions. We remained flexible and resorted to plan B (and C and D) several times. Regardless, it was an amazing trip and I’m so glad we went.

Despite the travel restrictions, we were able to keep our original itinerary and return home as planned. The CDC met our plane at the gate and screened all passengers. We were told to self-quarantine at home for 14 days, which is now complete. As soon as our plane touched down at JFK we received a call that Mike had been laid off from his job. That was kind of a bummer, but we’ve enjoyed having him home.

We’ve been busy bees at the BFF and enjoying our time being productive. Spring is always a busy time on the farm and I’m thankful that we haven’t had anywhere to be. I’m honestly enjoying the time we have together and we are getting so many projects done!

All of Skylar’s activities have been canceled and I’ve already dismissed us from doing school since TN waived the 180-day requirement. She goes back and forth between being B-O-R-E-D and being happy as a clam. Between you and me, “I’m bored” is my favorite. Because after a while, she figures out something creative to do. For example, she saved up enough money and did extra chores to purchase a trampoline and we spent one afternoon putting it together.

This is such a unique time in history and it feels kinda strange but I’m not stressed or worried. I’m thankful that I am still able to work so that we have that income coming in. Other than Mike being home, it doesn’t feel that different. I’d rather be at home in my PJs most days anyway. This is the dream life we’ve always talked about. LOL!

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