Family Update

September 2018 Family Update


We started back to school this month. I’m still sticking with our unschooling approach for 6th grade, which has been even more of a blessing this year. With all the traveling we are doing back and forth between Nashville and Birmingham, it would have been impossible to keep up with a traditional curriculum. I still kept with our usual tradition of name pancakes on the first day of school and we’ve participated in a few homeschool groups down in Alabama. Skylar has continued with her horse riding lessons and loves working with Blake (trainer) and Tyson (horse). She’s also created several stop motion videos!

We also went to her first SEC football game. It wasn’t her team but she loved seeing the band and overall rated it a 7/10.


For the most part, Skylar has stayed with me this month. I met Mike half way the 1st Saturday and then he came down to visit the following weekend. Onyx went back with Mike because Skylar and I were getting ready to go on our annual trip to the beach with Mom. She has just finished her 2nd chemo treatment and is doing well all things considered. She has yet to have any nausea or hair loss from the treatments. We are doing several supplemental things like CBD oil, which I believe are helping.


We had amazing weather at the beach. It didn’t rain once. We dealt with some effects of red tide the first 2 days but then it cleared right up and we were able to do our regular snorkeling and shell finding. One day we hopped over to St. Andrew’s State Park, which is gorgeous and found some bigger shells. Skylar enjoyed the pool and I enjoyed hanging out under the umbrella on the beach. I finished reading Educated (review here) while we were on our trip as well. The beach is always better with a good book! I’ll also always remember this trip because I finally taught Skylar how to shave her legs. She’s been asking for a year and a half but it took me that long to embrace it. Still not a fan of the growing up business!


At the end of the month, Mike and I flew into St. Louis to celebrate my 25K achievement with HempWorx. We made a decision that every time I get promoted and earn a bonus that we would travel to a new city together. Last month was Atlanta. We’ve had a great time exploring and eating our way around the past few days. Full review of this trip coming soon!


Skylar will be staying in Nashville for the next 2 weeks. If you’d like to see her one day, let me know.

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