Family Update

April 2020 Family Update

What I’m about to say is not a popular opinion, but quarantine is kinda my dream life. A few years ago I really started to figure myself out and I half-jokingly said I either want to be a farmer or a world traveler. I’d rather be at home (not just in my city but at MY HOUSE) or visiting countries on every continent. Two very different extremes – welcome to my life! Thankfully we recently traveled to Scotland and Ireland so my wanderlust is semi-content at the moment. We’ve now been together 24/7 for 2 solid months and 6 weeks of that has been at the BFF.

Honestly, I am not ready for Mike to go back to work. I’m not so secretly praying that he gets to stay home for the month of May too. While he is eager to get back to bringing in an income, he’s also having a blast getting things done here. He has gotten almost all of the tree work done (chipped, cut into posts/logs, and burned). He built me a massive shelving unit for the garage and rebuilt our firepit. He has spent the last week helping his parents tackle 50-ish trees on their property. I think he missed his calling as a lumberjack.

Skylar has been doing Zoom meetings with her troop and taking some online hockey stickhandling classes. She has also been busy building all kinds of things out of scrap wood that Mike has leftover.  I hear “I’m bored” several times a week but then she figures out something creative to do. She probably misses people more than Mike and I combined. Bless her heart!

We’ve never been big on bedtimes around here and currently we have zero schedule whatsoever. I still try to keep some semblance of my regular routine but Mike and Skylar have pulled some 3-4 AMs on more than one occasion. Including the night of the infamous hair cut. The newness of that is starting wear off and I’ve noticed us settling back into a more regular sleep schedule this past week.

I’m thankful to have my work to keep us going and April has been an incredible month for sales. In fact, it’s been my best month EVER, which is impeccable timing. Thank you, Lord! I also helped one of my sweet doula families welcome a sweet baby girl, who came rather quickly. Other than that excitement, I’ve rarely left home. I did sign up to audit a class at Yale and I’ve been working every day as usual. We added 6 new baby chicks to our flock and they are currently hanging out in the laundry room until they are big enough to move outside. They are actually a quiet little bunch.

There’s not really anything that I’ve missed. It’s made me realize just how much I was pushing myself to be out and about in the world before COVID-19. I’m literally dreading things going back to “normal.” I do not want to have to be all the places and do all the things. Bottom line, I’m a homebody and a happy one at that. LOL! Now, if we could just figure out a way to keep Mike from having to run the rat race but still fund our travel account.

See y’all next month!

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