Family Update

May 2020 Update

I keep trying to think of something interesting and notable to report but life is just super chill these days. Slowly, things are starting to return to normal and I am not looking forward to it. I am not yet ready to have to be all the places and do all the things and wear pants (especially with buttons). In the meantime, I’m in the middle of a #100daysofyogachallenge with my new cushy mat!

For the last few weeks, space and Legos have been all the rage with Skylar. We watched the SpaceEx launch and she’s been tinkering with some engineering-type Legos. They have a specific name but it escapes me at the moment. She’s had a few more tinker boxes arrive and she is absolutely loving those. The coolest thing was seeing her build a working set of headphones. She’s also made several upcycle creations and has more she wants to finish. We are trying to carve out a space for her in the garage to work. She’s definitely that messy, creative type.

Our chicks have grown so much and they are almost ready to move out to the “big girl” coop. In other farm news, Mike completed our fence and expanded the garden and it’s like we were on our own episode of Homestead Rescue. He reused cedar posts that he cut down from our property and it looks absolutely incredible. I’m hoping this keeps the deer and other pests away from my veggies.

Mike is still home and getting tons of stuff done here and for our family members. We were hopeful that he would be back to work in June but that’s not going to happen. At this point, we aren’t sure if he is going to get called back at all because the hospitality industry is so up in the air right now. We are thinking through and working on plan B and are hopeful he won’t have to go back at all. It’s looking very likely that we will be a 100% entrepreneurial family very soon. Being fully self-sufficient and making our land work for us is also part of my dream life!

We popped down to Birmingham mid-month to visit family and celebrate my cousin’s 50th birthday with a surprise party. It was great to see everyone and the honeysuckles were in bloom, which is the first taste of summer. It’s also now hotter than blazes so summer has arrived!

That’s about it for May. Here’s to June!

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