
June 2014 In Pictures

Pics from June 2014. Be sure to read the update for full details. 
PCB with my girl!
She just had to have a new mask and snorkel. In green!
My peeps!
Here we go!
So thankful to be traveling with my Bham bestie!
Our MfM crew 
Lake Victoria (Nile) is gross. They carried us to the boat.
Trying not to get scorched by the sun. 
Agnes, our Ugandan nurse & translator
Heading into one of the Villages
Working with the midwife on Lingira Island
KiKi with SHIM 
Sink 😉
Demonstrating Breastfeeding Techniques (AKA an excuse to hold a baby) 😉
Initiation. Drinking a Stoney like a real Ugandan. 
Prenatal Exams on a Bus
Summer Solstice!
So happy to be home with my peeps!
Zoo Camp

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