January 2018 in Pictures
January 31, 2018
For the full January update, click here.
Happy New Year! Had so much fun ringing in 2018 with our peeps!
So excited to see what 2018 holds. I’m still thinking about the sermon I heard yesterday. If 2018 looks different than you expect, will you still receive it and trust God? There are lots of other great tidbits included. Take 30 minutes and listen to this. http://newtribe.church/ messages/#BlessedYearEver
This is my hope for the BFF this year (and always). We worked hard in 2017 to create a home that you (yes, YOU) will feel welcome and comfortable to stop by ANY time. This is something I grew up with but it has gone out of fashion. Such a shame! I PROMISE that you can come by anytime. We’re doing things differently here. It’s likely you will find me in my pajamas and a hasty bun and I will be thrilled to see you. Our little house may be small but it has a lot to offer. This house is a safe zone. There are no judgments here. There is coffee, wine, or ice cream along with a table, sofa, or hammock. We can sit and chat or walk the property. There is time for laughs, tears, or silence. You will find food, support, and a breath of fresh air here. Hugs are optional but highly encouraged. Seriously, just stop by. And come on around to the back door when you do. #BishopFamilyFarm
Took me 6 months but I finally finished it! In case you didn’t know, I’m a bit patriotic.
?? #merica#teamUSA #wethepeople

This girl loved the snow!
Ask me how much I miss the subdivision life.

Skylar’s Piggy Bank Project she made for 4H. The body is paper mache, on toilet paper legs, and it’s nose is made out of a milk jug top. That’s how you get the money in and out!
We call her Onyx for a reason. She’s such a beautiful girl and a great farm dog.
On our way to the Union Station year-end celebration.
Oh how I love this girl. She’s such a unique little human with a style and personality all her own. My devotion to her fan club deepens on a daily basis. Happy 11th birthday, Skylar! You are so adored.
Scooby Doo Birthday Cake
Isle of Skye, our new favorite game.
At the Elvis Symphony for her birthday
Met Hatmaker. She called us “cuties” so naturally we are besties now.
Thankful for this girl – we both love us some Jen Hatmaker!
I’m still thinking about every word I heard from Jen Hatmaker and Nichole Nordeman the other night. It made my commitment to my word this year stronger than ever. COMMUNITY! She also told the elephant story which is fascinating and beautiful! Ask me about it if you haven’t heard it. I was reminded of the time I was in the middle and my little village protected me at all costs. I will be forever grateful! Forget mama bears. Let’s be mama elephants together!
? #buildcommunity#mamaelephant

2017 Year in Review

January 2018 Update
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