Family Update

December 2017 Update

You guys. This month was rough. I don’t think I have ever in my life been so happy to see a month go and the year too for that matter. I seriously felt like 2017 was trying to kill me and it came on hard and heavy here at the end. It seemed we couldn’t catch a break.

On the way home from Thanksgiving, a deer decided to commit suicide into the side of my car while we were driving on 840. Thankfully Mike was driving. I’m already skittish enough behind the wheel after our rollover accident in July. But it still scared me to pieces because it hit on the passenger side. A few weeks later the back window of my car was shattered while we were downtown. The repair quote for the window was basically the same my deductible so we decided not to file that one because State Farm certainly has their hands full with my other claims right now. But I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed forking over 2 deductibles right here at Christmas time. Oh and that was also right on top of paying closing costs to convert our construction loan to a mortgage. Our poor bank account is in serious recovery mode right now.

Speaking of the other accident, I am still in a good bit of pain. I’ve tried all the natural things I know to do – Chiropractic, Massage, Yoga – but my back and neck are still causing constant pain and frustration. It’s very wearisome to hurt day in and day out with no solution in sight. The problem with having a high pain tolerance is that you can generally function and don’t complain a lot. I don’t really want to go the pain management route but I’m pretty close to saying “give me the drugs!” The orthopedic doctor is only concerned with my hand. Because nothing was broken/sutured in my neck or back, it’s not their first priority. Although, my hand isn’t doing that great either. They’ve sent me back to physical therapy and want me to see a hand specialist in January. It’s been 5 months. I’m just so over all of it! Hey, I never claimed to be a model patient.

About a week before Christmas, Mike came home sick. We think he had just a cold. Then I caught his cold along with something else (maybe a mild flu). Right when we thought Skylar had managed to avoid it she came down with the full blown flu. And, boy, was she pitiful. I was still recovering myself and Mike had to go out of town for work so we went into legit survival mode. He cooked us a pack of bacon before he left and that’s basically how we survived for 36 hours until he returned. Bacon and Netflix is the way to go I tell ya. I’m not even kidding. Skylar was still feeling puny so we even missed out on Christmas at Grandmas. Good ole Mike went and picked up our gifts (and some plates of food) and we were able to Facetime with everyone to open presents. It took her almost a full week to get back to herself again. She barely had an appetite and would tire out so easily. The flu this year is no joke.

This past week has been C O L D and it’s not looking to get warmer any time soon. I am missing summer big time! We’ve got a heat lamp on the chickens and Onyx baby has been staying inside at night. Heck, we’ve even been letting her come in during the day to warm up. I may or may not have mentioned how much I love this pup. For the last month she has made a habit of combing through the woods each day until she finds a present to bring back to me. I’ve received cans, jars, balls, shoes, glasses, pieces of metal, plastic bags, and so much more! It’s a running joke around here right now and so exciting to see what treasures she will find. Hey, at least she’s getting things cleaned up out there!

Despite the dreary feeling that overhung most of the month there were a few bright spots that I’m clinging to. For starters, we all 3 finally agreed on a church and we are head over heels excited to plug in at New Tribe Church. It’s not anything like where we’ve attended for the last 13 years which is a little scary, but there’s so much to love that we are just trusting this is where we are supposed to be. I’d love for you to check it out with us! We also attended the Mt. Juliet Christmas Parade and can’t wait for next year. We just keep drinking the Wilson County kool-aid. I’ve even got Skylar signed up for 4H starting in January! I also got an Instant Pot, which is awesome! We had a couple of Christmas parties and we also got our family pictures back and they are my favorite ones yet. I loved every single one of them.

December is not quite the month I envisioned it to be and I’m so very happy to be moving on to 2018. We did end the year on a high note by spending new year’s eve with our favorite couple!

Stay tuned for my annual Year in Review. It’s probably my favorite post to write each year and there was a lot that happened in 2017.  

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