
Resources for Homesteading in Nashville, TN

Are you homesteading in Nashville or Middle Tennessee? Here’s a quick roundup of green resources that I have found helpful.

Backyard Composting – Learn about composting and receive a free composter. Held every Wednesday.

Beekeeping Course – Only $25.00 for a 3-day workshop. Held every October in Wilson County.

Tree Seedlings – You can order seedlings of 5 different varieties for $7.50 each to be planted by Arbor Day/Veteran’s Day. They also do another order in the spring of different varieties.

Rain Barrels – You can purchase a rain barrel from the Cumberland River Compact for $40. They also have instructions for how to make your own.

Chip Drop – Get free wood chips / mulch delivered to your homestead or farm for FREE.

If you know of others, please let me know and I’ll add them to this list.


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