September 2022 Family Update
There was still so much adulting to do this month and a lot of appointments and places to be. That’s the thing that you don’t anticipate with a big life shift. All the brain power and time you are going to have to use to make the necessary changes to set yourself up for success. I have been pretty quiet about the details but, if you’ve put the pieces together and ever find yourself in this situation – please reach out. I will help you, no questions asked.
Labor Day weekend we drove out to Buc-ee’s to see what all the fuss is about and it did not disappoint. I can’t wait to go back and get more snacks! I also planted a few fall crops in buckets like lettuce, peas, and parsnips. I’m not sure if anything will have time to grow but it makes me feel better to grow something, anything. And of course, there was more furniture to put together. Just have the guest room left to finish.
Skylar started a new job this month and she absolutely loves it. She had worked in the kitchen at camp over the summer and really enjoyed it so when the Roasted Coconut was looking for help, Skylar put her name in the hat. It’s been such a good fit for her. She likes it so much I can hardly get her to focus on anything else. All she wants to do is go to work and save money!
I’m happy to report that Onyx’s limp is almost completely resolved. I still can’t believe how much of a difference there was after her 2nd chiropractic adjustment. We went back for a 3rd visit and will follow up again in another month. I’m so thankful we found something much less invasive that has given her some relief and me some peace of mind.
Hockey games have started for Skylar. She’s playing for the Brentwood Academy JV team again this year. She’s also playing for an all-girls tournament team, which we are super excited about. I’m mostly excited about the travel part but I also like watching my kiddo do something she loves.
Work is going well. In fact, September set a new record as my highest-grossing month ever. I’ve also started some additional training courses because I’m planning to make a big shift in my business next year that I’m really excited about.
The weather has continued to feel amazing. Skylar and I sit out on the back porch almost every night that we are home. I gotta figure out how to get a TV out there that can handle the elements. I seriously would be out there all the time. Dad and Mimi also arranged for me to get an identical picnic table to the one I parted with when we sold the BFF. Shannon also gave us her firepit so I now have the perfect little outdoor setup. The landlord did have an arborist come and take down several trees in the backyard that were kind of dangerous. I hated to lose the shade but I feel much better now that they are gone.
According to Skylar, Spooky Season starts on September 1st. She loves this time of year. She snagged this dragon at JoAnn’s and her current favorite thing to do is place him in random places around the house to scare me. Meet Ronan!

August 2022 Family Update
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