Family Update

February 2023 Family Update

Harper Bluff Inc has gotten off to a great start and I’m booked out with projects until June! I’m excited to be working on less admin stuff and more web design stuff.

Paula and I took a little road trip to Kentucky to see one of our favorite comedians, John Crist. We bought the tickets forever ago during a time when I wasn’t laughing a whole lot but, boy, did we laugh that night. It was good medicine and just what I needed.

Skylar earned herself the starting goalie position for Wilson Central and I’m just so stinking proud of her. She only started playing lacrosse last year doing a development program but she caught on pretty quickly and took an interest in the goalie position. Even though we are homeschooling, we are zoned for WCHS and they welcomed her to join the team. The coaches have been incredible in helping her develop her skills and I’m excited to see what happens over the next 3 seasons for her high school career.

The Nashville Wolverines wrapped up their season and we are excited that they are expanding next year to include teams from U8 all the way to U19!!!

With Scouts, Skylar was asked to lead the flag ceremony for the College of Commissioner Science. The whole troop did an incredible job – everyone was bragging on them! Afterward, they had the unique opportunity to sit down with NATIONAL Commissioner, Ellie Morrison, to talk about women in leadership. At the most recent Court of Honor for Troop 934 Skylar received the Plumbing Merit Badge award, which we had a good laugh about. There’s a skit she did when she was around 11 or 12 where she played the part of Ellie Mae Jenkins who had a plunger for a prop. All the girls said they wanted to get the plumbing MB, but Skylar was the first one to do it, so they also presented her with the plunger award.

After a couple of weekends of searching, we found Skylar a perfect little starter car who she has named Spooky. She’s scheduled to take her driving text next month after Spring Break so this will give her some time to get used to it. I can’t believe we are at this stage of life already. Gosh it goes fast.

Just in time for Spring, Mike helped me get my TV mounted on the back porch. Between that and the heater, I’m just gonna live out there full time. There have been some pretty amazing sunsets lately.


We are headed for Disney next month for Spring Break – can’t wait!!!

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