Homeschool,  Ideas

End of Year Memory Book

Don’t mind me. I’m just over here being all sentimental. Yes, again. I may have mentioned this a time or two before, but I’m not a fan of that darn growning up business. We just wrapped our last year of elementary education and we are heading into middle school territory.

My end of the year process has been the same pretty much every year wether we were in public school or now that we are homeschooling and I wanted to share it with you.


I use my trusty Blue Sky Planner to keep track of her assignments, grades, and attendance throughout the year. I love the detail pages for tracking assignments completed and the month at-a-glance page for tracking attendance. This makes it quick and easy to submit the info to our umbrella school.


Note:  I’m a huge fan of the Dabney Lee designs. Getting my new planner each year is always a highlight!


I select some of her work in all subjects and try to pick items from both the beginning and end of the year to show progress. When applicable, I add a letter from her pen pals. I also include pictures as well as any awards or special events she attended. I’m currently using an app called Artkive to catalog her art projects throughout the year. Only a few craft pieces make it to the year end folder to be kept for prosperity. This folder concept is meant to be a best of the best and truly only includes about 20 items total.


This is a tradition I started when she was in preschool. This form includes a quick interview about all of her favorite things as well as documenting her physical stats. I also jot down some of my own thoughts from the year on the back. It’s so fun to look back at the memories from each year and remember little quirks that I have already forgotten.

I’ve created an online template that you can use to document your child’s school year.

>> You can download a copy of your own with the directions below and edit it as you need. 

Go to File> Download As> Microsoft Word 


>> If you don’t have Word you can also create your own version in Google Drive. 
Go to File> Make a Copy
No matter what age your kids are, I’d suggest starting this tradition today. Yes, even if they are already in 10th grade. Trust me, you won’t regret it! Don’t blink, mamas. They are growing up so fast. *sigh*

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