June 2017 Update
June 30, 2017
For more June pics, click here!
Summer is here! Yay!!!
We celebrated our first summer solstice at the BFF and it was amazing! We invited over our family, friends, and neighbors for a pig roast and it was so much fun! It was such a delight to share our new space with everyone. We had a variety of activities set out for the kids and all of the adults congregated under our beautiful shade trees. The Lord gave us such good weather and it was a gorgeous evening. A few friends even abliged me and let me give them a full tour and gush about all the work we’ve done over the past 6 months. I went to bed grinning from ear to ear! (full event album)
Skylar attended Cumberland Camp again this year and as anticipated she had an absolute blast! I love scrolling through the pictures and seeing all of the activities they get to participate in. It really is an amazing opportunity for her each summer!
Right before she left for camp, tLG decided to get a major hair cut. She donated 12 inches but still has plenty of hair left to put into her favorite hairstyle, a braid. 🙂
We have also wrapped up our first softball season. This was her first year to play and her team did great! They came in 2nd place out of 5 teams in that age group. After not winning a single game for 2 years straight in basketball, this sure was a nice change for her. The only problem is that she wants to play again next year. Ha! Saturdays at the ballpark are not my favorite thing but I’d pretty much do anything for this kid, so it is what it is.
At the BFF we are in major grass cutting mode right now. At our old place, Mike could cut the grass in about 30 minutes. Now, it literally takes us 3 days to cut all of the grass. Bless it! We have to divide it up in sections. Still, I wouldn’t trade all this land for anything. We also had the house painted this month, had our gutters installed, and D-Dad helped us finish our porch. The transformation is amazing and it looks SO much better! We are still working on finalizing the details for our garage but I’m excited about that too.
Earlier this week, Skylar went on a quick day trip with Mike’s parents and her cousin Avery to Mammoth Cave. She came home telling us all sorts of facts about bats!
We are about to head to Birmingham for our annual 4th of July visit with Dad. This year, Skylar is spending almost 2 weeks at Grandparent Camp. I’m excited for her but, boy, I know we will be missing her! However, this gives me time to work on some projects and also to prep for the school year ahead.
May 2017 Update
June 2017 in Pictures
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