Family Update

February 2021 Update

Oh I do love February but mainly because it’s love note season. I honestly think this is one of the best things you can do for your kiddos. Even my 14 year old still looks forward to it. Other than that, the first half of the month was just kinda blah (but busy at work).

And then Valentine’s Day. We had breakfast at the new Just Love Coffee Cafe and I instantly fell in love with that place. I’ve been following their progress and looking forward to the opening for quite some time. It’s so nice to have some independently owned restaurants in Mt. Juliet and especially on “MY” side of the interstate. Their lattes are delicious and so are all of the gluten-free items on the menu, including WAFFLES! I’m a little bit addicted.

That same day is when WINTER hit Nashville. Yep, all at once! The weather this year has honestly been pretty mild and then we had a solid week of ice then snow, more ice, and more snow. When it finally stopped  we had a good 4 inches here at the BFF and it was so pretty! We tested out the sheet of ice on the blacktop and Skylar was able to skate on it, which was so weird – and very cool! There was enough snow that she and Mike were even able to build an igloo. My chickens were having NONE of it, just like me, but Skylar enjoyed sledding behind the 4-wheeler. Farm life really is the best life and I’m so thankful for this property! And I didn’t mind being snowed in one bit. 🙂


The ice storm delayed my shipment of fertilized eggs but they finally arrived and I popped them into the incubator. We’ll have to see if we end up with any chicks. If all goes according to plan they should hatch somewhere around St. Patrick’s Day.

Skylar was the emcee for her troop’s Court of Honor and she did a great job. She also received several new merit badges and awards!

The Bishop Family Farm also received our formal recognition from the State of Tennessee Agricultural Department this month, so that’s exciting! We’re official.

The last weekend of the month we were finally able to have Skylar’s 14th Birthday party at Ford Ice Center. There were some scheduling delays because of hockey tournaments in January. She invited a lot of her teammates and they all had a great time! We ended up with a full sheet of ice all to ourselves. Mike and I busted our out skates and did a few laps but the girls were literally skating laps AROUND us. It’s kind of crazy how fast they can skate and maneuver. What a fun place to have a birthday party!

Here’s to spring, baby chicks, and garden prep next month!

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