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Spring Break Part 1 (Birmingham)

Our Spring Break got off to a great start with the arrival of our new nephew. The Little Girl was beyond smitten with her new baby cousin.
Friday: After visiting baby Jaxon (isn’t his name precious?) we headed south to the great state of Alabama to visit my family. The ride down wasn’t too bad but because we left in the evening it was dark and that meant limited activities for The Little Girl. Thank goodness for the flashlight app on my EVO!
Saturday: We spent most of the day at my mom’s house. She cooked us a yummy lunch with chicken alfredo, peas, rissoto and Paula Deen broccoli. Afterwards, we went over to MaMaw’s (she passed away last year) and mom showed me some of the things they had found her in house. That afternoon Mike and I did a little shopping for his birthday (he picked a new Auburn shirt & hat – figures!) and, that evening, we went to see Unknown with Mom & Rex. Typical suspense movie with the predictable twist yet you don’t know when the twist is actually coming. I thought it was pretty good.
Sunday: We went to Sunday School with K-Diddy (my dad’s grown-up grandpa name). That afternoon Mom & Rex took Sky to Tannehill Park where she found all sorts of treasures. Me and the hubs spent the afternoon on the 4-wheeler exploring the property. There’s a great spot where the beavers have built a pretty hefty dam and the resulting waterfall sounds so serene. I absolutely love it out on the back 40 acres. After our sweet afternoon I wasn’t very happy about dropping him at the airport to fly back home for work.
Monday: Me and The Little Girl went out for our own little 4-wheeling adventure. She loves to collect sticks and rocks and random items. On this trip we found an old rubber ball, a gigantic stick, and some hay for the horse. 🙂 FYI: Flip flops are not the best foot attire for navigating muddy terrain. After I nearly fell in the creek, I took her out to the beaver dam and we had our own little sweet moment.
That afternoon, we saddled up and Sky got to ride Pearl, the lastest equine inhabitant of the Circle S Ranch. Check out my cowgirl!
For dinner we met up with my grandmother + aunt & uncle for dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. Skylar provided plenty of entertainment as usual. Get this: I told her she couldn’t have any dessert unless she ate some of her dinner. Well, she didn’t. About this time my grandmother’s chocolate lava cake and huge scoop of ice cream arrive and she proceeds to tell the little girl to come over and sit next to her. Yeah, you know where this story is going. Missy prissy proceeds to eat HUGE bites of said chocolate cake and ice cream and grins at me from ear to ear with each and every bite. And what did I do? Nothing. Because how in the world can you argue with your 81-year-old MeMaw?
Tuesday: We spent the morning at the above mentioned MeMaw’s house playing with blocks (the same blocks I played with as a kid) and dolls and trucks. MeMaw pulled out all sorts of keepsakes that she has been holding on to purely for sentimental value, like my father’s 9th grade letterman jacket. I mean, really?
That afternoon I got a haircut and then we met up with a high school friend of mine at a really great park. It was so neat to visit with her and meet her kiddos in person though I feel like I know them already from Facebook. At one point, I look up to see Skylar being chased by FIVE boys on the playground. Good gracious girl! After leaving the park we stopped back by the salon for Skylar’s hair appointment and to meet up with my mom.

One of the biggest highlights of the entire trip was Tuesday night. Me and my bestest bestie went out to dinner and a movie. She picked an awesome restaurant, Do Di Yos. Everything I put in my mouth was absolute heaven. Aside from the scrumptious food the conversation was nothing less than delightful. In fact, we were so busy talking and catching up that we almost missed our movie, Just Go With It. It was filled with your typical Adam Sandler humor with several Ben Stiller moments (you know, what can go wrong, WILL go wrong – also known in my life as Murphy’s Law). We laughed a lot.
{No picture to insert because we ALWAYS forget to take a picture of the two of us. I’m not sure how this continues to happen since we are both picture taking fools. Hmm…..}
Wednesday: Me and Sky (ok, just me) packed up our things and prepared to leave Birmingham. We stopped off at the bestie’s house so that me and bestie could talk some more our girls could play together. After that we met up with my mom at work and took her to lunch since her birthday was on Thursday. She chose Dale’s Southern Grill and I got the veggie plate. More absolutely delicious food!! We were going to attempt to get Skylar’s teeth cleaned (mom is a hygienist) before leaving town. Skylar was all gung-ho about it until she heard the noise that the little polisher made and she FREAKED out, so I got mine cleaned instead. My girl is NOT a fan of loud noises unless she is the one making the racket. Interesting how that works.
After almost a week of going non-stop my sweet girl crashed on the ride home and slept most of the way. We stopped off only once to check in on Baby Jaxon and Aunt Shan. Then it was on to Daddy and Home Sweet Home.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of our Spring Break…

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