• Joy Abounds (a love list of sorts)

    So today was quite possibly one of the best days I’ve had in a loooooong time. It was seriously perfect. All day long I kept adding things to my list that were making this span of 24 hours so fantastic.…

  • Why you should NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant

    *Disclaimer:* I needed to get out some emotions and frustrations today. However, I do think this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Feel free to skip to the Public Service Announcement at the bottom. Just doing my part…

  • RECIPE: Chicken Parmesan Lasagna

    I made a little dish the other night that got rave reviews by my family and several folks requested the recipe. The truth is, I don’t have a recipe. I totally made it up on the fly. Don’t go thinking…

  • Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

    1st Day of PreK The new school year has started. I’ll be honest, I’m having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I find this highly unusual for me. I LOVE routine. I like knowing what to…

  • Sentimental…

    …is that even the right word? I’m not sure. All I know for certain is that The Little Girl is growing up and I don’t like it. Not one bit. She’s always been big for her age. She came into…

  • Life Lesson: Go For It!

    I took The Little Girl to Monkey Joes over the weekend. She had been kind enough to be stuck at home with a sick mommy and not drive me insane. I thought we both deserved a treat. I got a…

  • Mommy Sick Day(s)

    I posted yesterday that I was sick. I worried that it might get worse before it got better. Oh how that proved to be true. My fever got up to 101 and then 102 and was inching ever so closely…

  • Mama Down. I repeat, Mama Down!

    I’m sick. Like in the bed kinda sick. Ok, technically I have moved to the couch but there will not be much moving around for me today. I’ve got a low-grade fever, headache, and really sore throat. My eyes have…

  • Things I Hope to Never Hear in a Real Restaurant

    Tonight I was practicing reading with Skylar. I had the clipboard and was writing sentences for her. She took over the clipboard and proceeded to play “restaurant.” It was hilarious!! She was scribbling on a piece of paper when I…