• Tips for Taming A Busy Life

    We are dead in the middle of summer break and things aren’t slowing down around here. At. All. The go-go-go of summer can cause things to get rather hectic sometimes. I’m a big fan of being proactive. It saves time…

  • Summer Week at the Grandparents

    As you all know, we recently let The Little Girl spend a week with my parents who live out of town. We tried out this little arrangement last year but it was only for about 3 days. This year we…

  • When the Cat’s Away…

    the mice will play! And that’s exactly what my wee one has done this week during her summer visit to the Grandparents. She’s had a blast! However, no one ever talks about the cat. What does the cat do when…

  • REVIEW: Water for Elephants (Sara Gruen)

    I’ll be honest. I had no idea this was even a book until the movie came out. I knew I wanted to see this movie. Come on. Reese Whitherspoon can do no wrong in my eyes and Robert Pattinson is…

  • Glitter Ain’t Welcome Here

    Confession: If my child brings home art from school that contains glitter, I throw them away. I hate glitter. Actually, I LOATHE glitter. I can’t possibly understand why this craft accessory was created. It.Sticks.To.Everything. And the things multiply. I swear…

  • 10 Time-Saving Tips for Mom

    Moms are busy. Plain and simple. Here are my time-saving tips to help you be proactive as a mom, because being RE-active takes twice as long. You’ll see from my list below that the main time killers in our household…

  • Random Comments & Good Advice

    There have been several things happen or be said over the last few days that I’ve thought, “that would make a good blog post” or “I need to write that one down.” So, here I am jotting them down all…

  • What do a muffin tin and tacos have in common?

    I have a little dilema every time I make tacos. There are about 8,000 toppings that go with them. Unfortunately, I like them all but I don’t want to muck up that many ramicans (also known as small bowls –…

  • How NOT To Make All Your Dreams Come True

    This morning I was awoken to something rather unpleasant. The Little Girl came bounding up the stairs super excited to tell me that we HAVE to get a Happy Napper. Why? “Because they make all your dreams come true.” Wait.…

  • Chattanooga

    We are freshly back from our weekend getaway to Chattanooga to celebrate the end of the school year. Before this trip, The Little Girl called it Chagganooga. It was 1 of only about 3 words that she has ever repetitiously…