• REVIEW: The Lucky One (Nicholas Sparks)

    Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors. I’ve read all of his books, though I’m a little behind at the moment. I think I started reading him in college and he has continued to pump out book after book.…

  • Me and Murphy Made it Snow

    I think I’m causing the snow. No, really. I honestly think I am. Actually, it’s not me but my BFF Murphy. I have a long-standing relationship with Murphy’s law. You know, “what can go wrong will go wrong.” Only in…

  • Snow Day Snuggles and Conversations

    Today is snow day #…. well, I’ve lost count. Snow days throw our schedule out of whack and I don’t like not having my routine. However, on snow days I sleep until Skylar comes and climbs in bed with me…

  • Today: Shopping, Meal Prep, Linens, Mooommee

    Today went a little something like this… Wake up. Check email, FB, and Google Reader while still in bed. See this deal, hop up to go view it and purchase on my laptop. Shower Wake up The Little Girl, dress…

  • Meal Plan & Prep

    I love being able to get ahead of the game and today I decided to prep our meals for the rest of the week. Tonight we are having CrockPot Sweet N Sour Chicken. I tossed all these ingredients in the…

  • Did I Shave My Legs For This?

    Actually, no, I didn’t. Not even for yoga class. Not even for date night. Not for a whole week. Isn’t that horrible?! Wait, don’t judge. See, what had happened was…. Well, first of all, it’s winter and that means wearing…

  • Please Stay 3 Forever – Please?

    My baby girl is 4 today. This really is impossible. I still remember every detail of her birth. Thankfully, the pregnancy memories are starting to fade but I definitely remember January 16, 2007. There is no way that I can…

  • My 1st Etsy Purchase

    I finally signed up for Etsy and made my first purchase. I’ve lurked around the site forever noting things I wanted. Sometimes I just went there to get ideas and sometimes I could find it cheaper on Ebay. Thus, I…

  • Winter Blues

    It happens every year and this year is no exception. I never know exactly when it is going to happen but I am getting a lot better at noticing it sooner. I’ve suffered various bouts of depression since my teen…

  • Unspoken Resolutions

    I make resolutions because I believe we can always strive to better ourselves. These are a few things that I always resolve to do but don’t neccessarily write them down. Grow closer to the Lord. Improve my marriage. Be a…