• Part 7 – Timing Of Our Decision

    You might want to start at the beginning. Here is…  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6   If we decide to homeschool, we will be pulling out at the end of this grading period.…

  • Part 6 – It’s Easier Than What We Are Doing Now

    Just jumping in? You’ve got some catching up to do.  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Basically the thought of homeschooling with our crazy schedule scares the bejeezus out of me and there is no backup…

  • Part 5 – My Biggest Fears About Homeschool

    If you are just joining us, you might want to catch up. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4   Let me start off by saying that we are 100% sold on the benefits of homeschooling. I think it…

  • Part 4 – Falling In Love With My Child Again

    Need to catch up? Start here. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 I knew that I wanted to homeschool but remember when I swore it off solely based on the antics of Satan’s Sister (AKA my kid)? Yeah, she’s not…

  • Part 3 – More Issues with Public School

    Need to catch up? Part 1 Part 2   The seed for homeschool had been planted. This installment was the water that made it grow. Strike two was 9/11. On the anniversary, this event was discussed in detail yet it…

  • Part 2 – Issues with Public School

    At the end of Part 1, all seemed peachy with our girl in a public Montessori school. The problem is, it wasn’t. At all. School just provided a new set of issues to deal with. First was an assistant teacher who…

  • Homeschool Decision – Part 1

    If you really wanna know, we are thinking about homeschooling. For real this time. I feel like I should back up and give some history. I have always thought about homeschooling but have never really put any serious consideration behind…