Parenting,  tLG

No Boys Allowed Party

My hubby went on a camping trip with the boys this weekend. The Little Girl was none to happy that her Daddy went camping without her. So, to make up for it, we had a No Boys Allowed Party. I was making most of this up on the fly but this is how it turned out.
First, I made her favorite for dinner – spaghetti.
Then, we made molten chocolate lava cake – Yum!
We watched a princess movie and wore pink pajamas.
And, if you can’t go camping with Daddy, the next best thing is building a fort in Mommy’s bedroom.
She loaded it up with all kinds of treasures and then slept snug as a bug in her sleeping bag.
It was a fun night and I’m hoping it will get her through until the weather warms up enough for her to go camping for real.

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