My Life,  Resolutions

Resolution #1: Simplify

If I had to pick one word to describe my overall resolutions for this year, this is it: SIMPLIFY!
I’m over the clutter, over the drama, over all the extra. All of my resolutions have derived from this one word. We are pairing down as far as “stuff” goes and I’m hoping that the hussle and bussle that is our life follows suit. Last year, I practiced saying “no” a lot. No to more responsibilities. No to stuff we didn’t need. No to calendar conflicts. No to things that didn’t make sense. I aim to continue to do that rather than trying to cram it all in.
I’ve already been purging our home of items that are just taking up space and I hope to be able to keep the clutter under control this year. To me, simplify = organized. When things are organized, everything is simpler to find and easier to do. In my world, the following is also true. Simplify = routine. Repetition breeds familiarity thus making every day tasks, you guessed it, simpler. 🙂
Check back to read how this one world intertwines it’s way into my other 2012 resolutions.

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