Family Update

March 2012 Update

Ah, Spring! Yes, warmer weather is here, hopefully for good, and we have pushed the clocks forward. I am a happy camper!

Let’s see here. At the beginning of March I helped host a baby shower for two ladies in our LifeGroup at church to help welcome their sweet baby girls. In fact, I served as a doula for both of them. I am LOVING doula work. Way back when, I would have never guessed that I would have become as passionate as I am about pregnancy and birth. Not for myself of course; although, it has been a very healing experience for me personally. Each of their births were completely different but absolutely beautiful. You can read their stories from my perspective here (#1) and here (#2). I’m still on track with my course work to submit for my doula certification at the beginning of June. Yay!
This month we also celebrated Mike’s birthday. His cousin came in from out of town and we all hung out over at his parent’s house while he and his Dad spent the day preparing some delicious BBQ pork and ribs. YUM! Recently, Mike also took Skylar fishing and she caught her first crappie and bass. She was beyond thrilled! She also came home with a little minnow who resided in a fish bowl in our kitchen for a few days. He was named Nimo. Not Nemo. Nimo. Just ask Skylar. 🙂
Mike is still enjoying work life over at Bass Pro. Starting next month he will start teaching Survival Classes for the store. This is SO right up his alley. The mall just opened back up for the 1st time since the May flood of 2010. We are so excited although it has made things a little more difficult for Mike to get to and from work due to the volume of other folks who are also excited. When the mall flooded, the #1 thing on Skylar’s mind was Build-A-Bear. She has been asking pretty much non-stop about that one store for 2 years now. Can you guess where we went on opening day?
tLG is doing well. She’s reading so good and her spelling is coming along very well. She of course still likes to draw, and color, and paint, and is becoming better with writing her numbers. The orientation of #2 and #3 give her fits sometimes but I’m impressed with how great she is writing in general. She still participates in gymnastics and Awana once a week. She starts Spring Break tomorrow and it’s not a moment too soon. I get the feeling that she is a little burned out so hopefully the break will do more good than bad. 😉
Next month is when I travel to San Diego for the next conference with my new company. To be honest, I’m a little nervous. First of all there are about a million details that have to come together in the next 2 week. Second, the thought of being away from my peoples for an ENTIRE week is kind of terrifying. As a mother, I worry enough about tLG when I’m home. I can’t imagine being away from her for a WEEK. I’m sure I will feel a lot more confident once I get the logistics nailed down.
Happy Spring!
P.S. There aren’t a lot of them, but feel free to hop over and check out our March 2012 Photos.

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