
June 2012 in Pictures

Don’t forget to check out our June Family Update

On the lake in Knoxville

On the jet ski with Dad. Brrr!!!!
Art Camp, Day 1

Crafting from Pinterest
Paining a box. It’s supposed to be a pirate ship, per tLG.
Launching lanterns at our Summer Solstice Party
All the kiddies

Milkshake mania!

My friends gave me this award after learning that I had let Skylar have milkshakes for breakfast AND dinner on the SAME day. 🙂

Beautiful Sunset

Wearing her tie-dye shirt picking out her new backpack/lunchbox combo for Kindergarten

Big, beautiful, brown eyes. She took this pic herself. 🙂

Just goofing around

I think Easton wants to go to the lake.

This little butterfly landed on Skylar’s toe at the lake.

Standing on her star creation (chalk) at the Dyer Observatory.

Mike climbing
Mike & Neighbor Wade

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